MovieChat Forums > Smart Guy (1997) Discussion > funniest 'smart guy' moment..

funniest 'smart guy' moment..

i remember this episode from back in the day when this show was around.. mo, marcus and t.j. had to present a project, and t.j. was acting stupid. marcus started to worry because tj was acting idiotic, meaning that they wouldnt do good on their project..

however, the funniest part of the episode was when they were presenting their project, and they went to each boy one by one, to see what they were thinking inside their head... so marcus was worrying, t.j. was getting nervous (whether or not he should show his brother that he was just acting like an idiot instead of being smart)..

then they focused on mo, and hes just beatboxing in his head with this spaced out look on his face HAHAHAHAAHAHHASHA HOLY crap that has to be one of the funniest moments in television history... i saw it many years ago, and it still makes me laugh hard.

"If you shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize" - Mr. White.


haha another one was when destiny's child chose tj to be in their video and at teh very last scene where marcus and mo leave the house to go get someone to take their demo tape:

mo: i think i saw vanilla ice at the safe way. i saw price at victorias secret

(i dont know if he said victorias secret, but it was along the lines of a place like that)


Marcus: "Ok ok, from here we'll kick it to Mo, then to Goose, and then kick it back to me."

T.J: "Uhh, Marcus, how come I dont get a kick?"

MArcus: "what?"

TJ: "Mo got a kick...Goose got a kick, how come i dont get a kick?"

Marcus: "You want your kick!? because i'll give you your kick!"

what a genius line.


T.J: "Uhh, Mrs.Tibbs, this is T.J calling is Mo there? No? Well then i'll just leave a message, I wanted to know if Mo wanted to play laser tag tomorrow? From T.J......its spelled like it sounds(hahahaha)

Floyd: "You just got into a big fight at school, your not going to play laser tag.Unless you can play it in ur room, without lasers."\

HAHAH too funny, for me anyways


my fave ep is when we first meet brandy. So my fave part is when he tried to sneak outta the house using the tape recorder. it was funny.

Floyd: hey teej, im thinkin of orderin a pizza wut do u want on it?
(Marcus presses remote 4 the tape recorder)
Tj's voice: i just need to sleep on it.
Marcus: he must have some soap in his ears.



my favorite moment is when T.J had to teach that jock about Ghandi.When the jock was at practice, Mo and Marcus had to guard him from the other side of the court. While the jock was coming down the court, Marcus moves out the way and Mo is knocked down. The jock is hanging from the rim and while Marcus is walking over to the fallen Mo he is kicked by the jock hanging from the rim.


I remember the episode when T.J had a crush on a substitute teacher. Marcus said to T.J..... "She got some nice hmm hmmms." He was referring to her breasts. That was so funny!


i thought it was funny when tj pretended to be a dummy (can't remember why now) but he stood up and a boy saw him, he said to the boy "this is kinda like childs play isn't it" and the boy runs off screaming


he was being a dummy to sneak into the control room of the tv studio so that he can put his dads commercial on the air at a decent time but he ends up putting it on during the superbowl... and he said "this is like toy story isn't it" .... but it was still funny nonetheless

"ohh the weather outside..... is the weather" lol


the very first time it was shown in the uk he did say childs play but it was changed to toy story shortly after


Don't remember much of the episodes, but I loved Mo.

Coffee, Chocolate, Men. Some things are just better rich.


THE YO MOMMA EPISODE.. first time tj tried to bust a diss he brings up computer/internet LOL


how bout the one where they couldnt go to dog bureger

Marcus gets evryones attention and says he has dog burger then that wall thingy comes down and all u see is mo and hes like: hello there

man that was *beep* classic mo rules i watch this show evrynight


the episode where everyone finds prom dates for T.J. and there all in the house at the same time, and he has one locked in his tree house, one locked in his room, and the other locked in the bathroom or somethin like that, it was very funny


My Favorite line...

Floyd: "'s gonna get ugly around here. And I mean 'Grandma getting out the tub' ugly..."


My fave episode is when TJ helps Marcus get a date with his study partner and her Yevette and Yevette's friend play a trick on Marcus and Tj with the Lizzie Bordon song


o yea i really liked that one too!!

"gamma word...B**CHES!"
-Stomp The Yard


i remember an episode when tj likes the substitute teacher and she comes over for dinner , then tj's dad takes out a bottle of champagne, tj looks at the bottle and says "dad my teacher's coming over can't you at least get the good kind NOT the 99 cent store kind" tj's dad looks at him funny and say's "son when your older 99 cent stores gonna be your best friend!" lol
funny funny funny


o yea and another one i like is when yvette goes away on a trip or sumthin and all the guys try to build her a new bathroom. Marcus kept getting hit by the door everytime someone walked through and tj and mo had a school project with a baby egg with each other. Mo wanted a divorce and to be a single mother LMAO!. then tj falls down in the tub through the celing into the kitchen, and says "can i do it again". i dont remember it all but i know when their in the bathroom, tj gets mad at yvette cuz she dosnt like the bathroom and picks up the hammer about to go after her with it. IT WAS SOOO HILARIOUS! I MISS THIS SHOW SO MUCH, WHAT HAS DISNEY COME TO? I WANT THE CLASSICS! LOL

"gamma word...B**CHES!"
-Stomp The Yard


i cant really remember that much of them but i loved the one where they make a tv commercial for the dads company and tj accidently puts the commercial on during the superbowl and when the dad sees it (not realising tj did it) says:

"oo somebody in troublle!!" dont know why just cracks me up everytime.


This is hands down the FUNNIEST SMART GUY MOMENTS. (Excuse me if i dont get everything verbatim)

1.When Yvette dated the sophomore.

Yvette: Hi! Can I have everyone's attention please! My name is Yvette Henderson, a senior. And this is a sophomore. And we've been dating. THAT'S RIGHT! Dating. And I don't care if you guys LIKE IT or dont LIKE IT. Cause he is MY MAN and I'm here to say so

Sophomore BF (whispers): Uh Yvette, I started seeing someone else.


(whole cafeteria turns around)

Nina: Hey eat your lunches! This isnt Ricki Lake! (LMAO)

(Yvette takes bf aside to talk. Nina follows)

Yvette: What's going on here

BF: I could tel you were uncomfortable. So I met this other girl and--

Yvette: Oh, well is it anyone I know?

BF: I dont think so...she's a sophomore...

Yvette: Oh I understand, you want someone who's a sophomore and your own age, I understand that.

Bf: Uhhh she's a sophomore at Howard University

Yvette (disgusted): Well that's just sick!

Nina: You have obviously got some sort of mother complex! I mean WHY DONT YOU JUST DATE EARTHA KITT!

LMMFAO!! That was the funniest *beep* I have ever heard in my life! OMG!! OMG!!! hahahahahahahah!!!

Also when Marcus asks Deon if he will bet on the computer for the chess tournament, Deon responds "Is a fat baby funky?!" OMG!! I laughed for the rest of the episode lol!!!!


Also on the episode when TJ is trying to sell his newspaper

TJ: I don't get it, why wont anyone read my paper.

Mo: Cause it stanks!



i love that episode too..
i love how mo starts to act like a real mother later..but in the beginning he dint really care..
[T.J,Floyd and Marcus are building a bathroom for Yvette]
t.j: where's baby jada?
Mo: in the car
t.j: in the car?!
mo: the windows cracked open
t.j: it's freezing!
mo: she got a coat on!
floyd: shud i leave?
t.j: no i got this..
[to mo]
t.j: can we do this later? im trying to build a bathroom here!


When Mo sleeps with his eyes open.

That killed me :]

If your parents never had children,
chances are you won't either.


however, the funniest part of the episode was when they were presenting their project, and they went to each boy one by one, to see what they were thinking inside their head... so marcus was worrying, t.j. was getting nervous (whether or not he should show his brother that he was just acting like an idiot instead of being smart)..

then they focused on mo, and hes just beatboxing in his head with this spaced out look on his face HAHAHAHAAHAHHASHA HOLY crap that has to be one of the funniest moments in television history... i saw it many years ago, and it still makes me laugh hard.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! I was little when that came out, but I still remember it. Does anyone know what the episode was called?



The episode when Yvette & Mo are working together to win a car, and to get the fat guy to leave they start singing "the song that gets on everybody's nerves". I swear, when they stop singing mid song and the fat guy goes nuts, I nearly cry everytime.


my favorite is when mo starts going out with marcus' ex and to try and explain how him doing that made him feel he compares it to getting your arm cut off.i swear i almost i cried when i heard that.hilarious.and it just brought it home when mo was lik 'yeah i completely understand'.classic marcus and mo:]

sometimes i just want to fall
risk not being caught
take a leap of faith
a step into the dark


My favorite part was when Marcus was talking about slingbacks and then says "I have a sister..." to which Mo replies, "I have a mama, but you don't see me talking about pumps"


The topic starter stole mine. This was a funny show from start to finish.


when there short friend, (forgot his name), said alpha boost 3000.




"ohh the weather outside..... is the weather" lol



That part was just on a few seconds ago. :D


Mo finding out about his real parents has to be one of the funniest: "I should never gone to that carnival with you Caaaaaandy!" "Don't cross me 'Bama!" Funny!

"Floooy-deee" is funny, too...

Marcus has many priceless facial expressions and reactions to things as well.

And who can forget Marcus and Mo's "patented Happy Dance!"

Really, there are just TOO many to name for me...


here are my favorite moments:

- "yo momma's so fat the last time she saw 90210 was on the bathroom scale."

- the episode where mo and ivette are trying to win the car and ivette thinks she just won and the old guy pops out of the trunk.

- when marcus compares breaking up with a girl to someone cutting off his arm. and mo dating the girl to your best friend stealing your arm.

- when they go to the adoption agency to find tj's parents and marcus throws a cup of water in the adoption agency guy's face which makes him fall to the ground and roll around.


When the computer guy tried to make TJ and his friend ride the surfboard naked and when he showed them...get this.... CHILD PORNOGRAPHY!!! lmao that had me on the floor laughing my ass off it was so funny. Oh jeezwhat a doozy woozy that episode was.

I especially love the dialogue

Money..Sex..Money..Sex..Cat..-Edward Cullen


Marcus: Hey Mo, I saw some guys leaning up against your Pinto
Mo: My Pinto!? I paid $300 whole dollars for that thing! Move out my way!! MOVE!
(Sprints off leaving a girl he was hitting on behind)


"- when marcus compares breaking up with a girl to someone cutting off his arm. and mo dating the girl to your best friend stealing your arm"

The extension of that scene is even funnier when after Marcus makes that comparison Mo tells him he knows exactly what hes talking about. Then Floyd, who is in the kitchen with his date which keeps getting interrupted, yells out as if hes annoyed "How come you don't know what 'get the heck out' means?!"
