Low Budget?

Was this a low budget movie? All the special affects seem to be cheasy, and some of the acting seems to be kind of bad...


Well, TV movies are usually like that. I thought it was an awesome movie though.


It seemed like they spent some money on this, beautiful locations, authentic costumes, they got good established actors, magnificent sets like that ship. I always wondered if they built that ship just for this film.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


They seem to have spent all of their money on sets and costumes, with little left over for the special effects.

It's a pity.

When this came out, I read the budget was $30 million, which was considered massive for a miniseries at the time.


I thought it was good for the budget


As the last post mentioned, the budget was pretty large for its time. The fx work is hit-or-miss because they relied on a company that specialized mainly in puppetry for its practical effects and back in '97, whatever CGI you had on a TV budget was still pretty much shit. But the sets and costumes still hold up.
