Sadly Not Available In The USA

Oh...the cast sounds staggering. It seems I will have to wait another forever for this UK Mini Series to get published for Region 1.... I can't even get it on VHS! I guess it's the limited market...not to many 50 somethings in suburban America who crave British lit...anyone have any idea if it will happen in my life time?

'You found the last known Urn of Osiris on eBay?'
Buffy The Vampire Slayer


Amazon has it.

I came here looking for reviews, as I'm purchasing it as a gift for someone who is into that genre.


Thanks..yes...I now own it! But you can also rent it from Netflix now.

If I wasn't a transvestite terrorist, would you marry me?


Suggestion: I bought a multi-regional dvd player online for $50 because I like foreign tv and many old and new foreign films that have not been distributed in the USA. You can play dvds from all over the world on this type of player. I purchase dvds online and have had no trouble with Region 2 (UK),Italian, French, Australian, etc. I can also buy dvds that are released months earlier in Europe without waiting for the USA release dates. I am not an electronic genius but it was very easy to install and the best electronic product I own.


It's available on Netflix in case anyone is looking for it.


. . .or try your local library. That's where I found the series.


Or (only $5/mo) currently.


It is now available for streaming by Acorn.
