Favorite Moments

I realize this is a little seen film and shouldn't really expect much response to this thread, but I just watched this movie recently and wanted to share my favorite moments.

1. When Andrew borrows money from Amelia (his ex-girlfriend) to pay his phone bill, which he ran up having long distance, NY-to-CA, phone sex with a woman named Virginia! Amelia demands her money back.

2. When Frank gives his mole to Laura in a velvet jewelry box. Laura may have found it insulting, but I thought it was hilarious!

3. When Andrew and Amelia are in the hammock, presumably having a conversation about the things that the other did during sex that they hated and he said, "You licked my G**damn ears too much. It was wet. It was nasty. It wasn't sexy, and I didn't like it." Ha!

4. When Laura's client admits that he only said he saw devils so that he could get free therapy.

5. Amelia tells Andrew that she still has the black pants that she bought for him - the ones that caused him to panic and break up with her. He has no idea what she's talking about. Later, we see him trying them on (leather pants, no less) and asking, a little unbelievably, "I asked for these?" Then he laments that they don't fit and that he's getting fat. Amelia's laughter is priceless.


i love the obscene phone calls in the country part and when andrew comes over.


The bit when Laura was given the mole by Frank was a funny scene, but my favourite one by far would be Liev Schreiber in the black leather pants scene it had me in stitches when he was lamenting about them not fitting and then started to flex his muscles and then he fell over LOL.


I just loved all the Andrew/Amelia scenes!

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