MovieChat Forums > Sling Blade (1997) Discussion > Who else disliked Linda?

Who else disliked Linda?

She loved Frank, but she was a terrible mother. She ALLOWED Doyle to terrorize her son!
All because she was afraid to be alone, because he threw her a *crumb* every now & then. And don't say its just 'because he threatened her'. She obviously had many chances to get rid of him & keep him OUT but she took him back.

I hated her almost as much as Doyle.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I can definitely see the side of the argument that Linda was a little weak-willed. But that isn't all surprising considering she was a single mother who lost her husband to suicide, which was probably a massive emotional blow, doesn't have much money and is lonely. Guys like Doyle are predators who latch on to people's insecurities and exploit them. They practically brainwash women into "loving" them and thinking they'll get better if they apologize for their behavior. Linda would have felt trapped and even useless without Doyle. She knows she can't run away from him, because she's a retail worker and Doyle would find her and hurt her and Frank.

Abusive relationships are like endless cycles, and one shouldn't really judge until you've been in one. But I think Linda would realize after Doyle died that she should have fought against him to protect her son. But I think calling her a "spineless jackass" or "douchebag" is a little too much like blaming the victim. The only spineless douchebag was Doyle, who decides to pick on and control people who are more vulnerable than he is.

I'm actually rather shocked at the lack of empathy in some of these comments.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


I DO blame Linda.
Her inability to defend herself is one thing. But when you have a child, its not about you anymore. Its about THEM.
I very briefly was in an abusive relationship, so I do know. I also watched my mom tolerate one with a boyfriend for 15 long years.
I cut my relationship off PDQ, as any self-respecting woman (or man!!) does.

Being lonely or vulnerable doesn't cut it for me. Linda was selfish. She had chances to get rid of Doyle forever, and she still took him back.
Her job was to protect her son, and she failed.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Linda was a sweetheart and a great mother. I think she represents what a lot of women have to put up with, esp in the deep south at that time. She's doing what she's "supposed to". Doyle did provide some of her needs, mainly as an Alpha male with higher financial status in a depressed small town.

I think nowadays you see women becoming more educated and much less likely to put up with the Doyle's in the world. Still, I know a few Doyle's and Linda's even to this day.

Shall we play a game?


Linda was kind by nature, but she wasn't very bright.
And while she definitely loved Frank, she loved herself more.

If she loved her son, she'd never allow Doyle in their lives to torment Frank!
Doyle didn't support Linda, remember? Frank told Karl that he doesn't even contribute to the bills.
Only at the end, did Doyle airily claim he was going to 'pay all the bills'.
But who knows how long that would last!

Linda was weak, needy.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Linda stands her ground finally after that crazy night of jamming, drinking and screaming at his band friends. When Doyle throws all his good old boys out the door, she finally has had enough and keeps saying "leave." He pushes her and she just says "leave." Frank at least gets to do what he's always wanted to do to Doyle. After that crazy night of violence she actually agrees to sit down with him and consider him being able to come back. What was she thinking?


I agree that Linda was a selfish and incompetent parent, I also disliked her and had little sympathy for her situation. Linda is representative a certain type of needy woman for whom being in a relationship, no matter how bad for her and her child, is the be-all and end-all of her existence. Such people would rather be around someone who verbally and/or physically abuses them and their children than risk being alone. If she didn't have a son, none of this would matter since she's the author of her own misfortune, but it's a shame that someone else has to suffer from her poor judgment.


Jagger said it best
"I hope you won't see me with my ragged company
But you know I could never be alone"

The Rolling Stones-Dead Flowers



a terrible selfish woman
