MovieChat Forums > Lilies - Les feluettes (1997) Discussion > I bought this movie because i liked the ...

I bought this movie because i liked the picture on the front...

Im very into gay love stories whether its movies or books. I only have 1 gay movi. im very dissapointed its so hard to find them, if you know any good 'art' gay love stories or any movie about a gay men please send me the names. I thought this movie was amazing, definatly something im very into. i loved the twists in the story and they way it was done so the people acting out the story were shown as the people in the past too, so there were no women in the story because they were being played by men. I found it very hard to explain to my friends but they all really want to se it, maily because of the bath scene but i loved the whole story even though i did only buy it for the gay sex scenes.


Un Amour a Taire (is absolutely beautiful and makes me cry every time)
Fashion Victims
The adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Dessert
Beautiful Thing
Get Real

there are more, but these are just the ones i'm thinking of right now


Latter Days
Big Eden
Were the World Mine
Beautiful Thing
Brokeback Mountain


Here are some I wrote about on a board for the movie Latter Days, "Favorite Gay Themed Movies."

I love gay-themed movies. Huge fan of Queer as Folk.
My Favorites
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Torch Song Trilogy
The Sum of Us
Latter Days (Tied for Favorite)
To Wong Foo: Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar
The Birdcage
Get Real (Tied for Favorite)
Heaven's a Drag
Maurice (Tied for Favorite)
Beautiful Thing
Relax, It's Just Sex
The Deep End
It's My Party
Big Eden
Our Lady of Assassins
For a Lost Soldier
Brokeback Mountain
Love! Valour! Compassion!
Yossi and Jagger
Nico and Dani, Krampack
Naked Boys Singing
Summer Storm
Almost Normal

Movies I did NOT like
Total Eclipse
Chuck and Buck
Alive and Kicking
The Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Dessert
East Palace, West Palace
Water Drops on Burning Rocks
Hey Happy!
The Fluffer
Latin Boys Go to Hell
Head On
9 Dead Gay Guys
Adam and Steve
The Iron Ladies
Adored: Diary of a Male Porn Star
Wedding Banquet
