James Woods was PHENOMENAL!

James Woods' performance in this movie was one of the best acting performances that I have ever seen, and is probably one of the best that anyone will EVER see - wow! Every time I watch this movie I am floored all over again by his flawless, villainous acting!


This was one of the greatest acting portrayals in history in my opinion. I believe that someone thought that Woods was racist and that is untrue. He commented on playing the despicable De La Beckwith as one of the worlds lowest forms of life. Agreed Mr. Woods and I applaud your performance!!!


you need to see more movies

i would start with watching daniel day lewis in gangs of new york and anthony hopkins in remains of the day


What about Mickey Rourke & Robert DeNiro in Angel Heart? Very underrated performances IMHO. Woods was amazing in here, Baldwin wasn't that bad, it was good in the film.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Don't know if it was just Woods great talent or a mediocre script and lousy acting by the other 2 stars, but James Woods was so good, you almost had to root for De Lay. Incredible performance, that made this character eminently interesting and got you to view much from his perspective.


Based on the true racist colors that have come out of Woods since Obama was elected, I think it's safe to say Woods was not acting in this movie.

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Woods is a racist bastard and he simply played himself...

Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!


I saw an interview once, where he briefly spoke about the film. He said the hardest part of playing Beckwith was the attitude, since its so far removed from who he really is. He had to learn how to suppress his own ideas, so racist slurs would come rolling off his tongue like chatting with a lifelong friend. It must have been very draining on him, both emotionally and mentally...but its still a performance folks remember long afterward. Unlike Whoopi consulting with Myrlie though, Woods refused to visit Beckwith. In fact, the killer was in a cell not even one mile from their courtroom location...and had zero visitors.


Woods was really good in this movie. However, I can't say that I have ever seen a bad performance by James Woods.

Top 250 Foreign Movies


He played a smug,arrogant, Black hating White Supremacist well, but his accent was way over the top.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely u cant be serious
I am serious,and dont call me Shirley


Seriously..... phenomenal? His performance was far from that. I found him to be over the top and more cartoonish than anything and I'm talking about when he was playing an old man. In 1963, he just seem like a backwards southerner, but I think he got a bit carried away in the role. Plus, the make up job was horrible, it looked as if he was just made up. Couldn't they have found another actor actually someone in their 60's or 70's? I mean everyone else was played to be an actual age.

This movie is actually entertaining but it had more cringeworthy moments and a lot of unnecessary dialog. I see why it didn't do so well in the box office. Heck, even Whoopi, she was suppose to be in her 60's but she looked the same age as her adult kids!

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather
