Why so hard to purchase?

It is unavailable on Netflix. On Amazon in the used section, its lowest price is $40. Does anyone know why this 1996 film is such a hard find? I'm trying to build up my film-library, but I'm not paying $40 for a used DVD. Is it planning on being re-released any time soon?


I am so glad my university had this for rental, if you are near a major university try checking out the library and you may find a copy, that is of course if you only want to watch it.

Nicholas Cage Deadfall


I know this particular post was made two years ago, but there are some, more current posts here.

Anyway, I just checked my Netflix account....and "Breaking the Waves" is available, at least via a mailed DVD.

by MorganLee1988 Nov 15 2011

It is unavailable on Netflix. On Amazon in the used section, its lowest price is $40. Does anyone know why this 1996 film is such a hard find? I'm trying to build up my film-library, but I'm not paying $40 for a used DVD. Is it planning on being re-released any time soon?


I can only say in the US, Criterion just released (April 2014) the new BluRay/DVD combo for $24.99. Anyone knows Criterion collections films are expensive, but at least with them at the helm, BOTH the DVD and Blu-ray have ALL OF THE FEATURES. I own the old copy, but I wanted to upgrade and for now I can play it on my DVD and one day when I upgrade to Blu-ray I'll be able to play it as well. But both formats carry all of the extras, plus there's a small book included as well. There are 2 DVDs and one One Blu-ray disc. Not like the greedy companys who sell Blu-ray/DVD combo packs and only put the extras on the blu-ray.

It's still one of my favorite movies, it looks beautiful, the music sounds fantastic, and I expect to be crying my eyes out shortly. I don't know about other regions, but you can always contact the Criterion Collection websites themselves and ask. I thought $24.99 was very reasonable considering some of the prices for just new blu-rays today.

Remember us, for we too have lived, loved and laughed


Via the use of a proxy network the film is available to stream via Netflix in Belgium, Holland & Luxembourg.

### Only ever given 2 films 10/10 ###
