Miss Parker's Name

So they never really said what her first name was, right?

I watched the season 4 episode, 'Lifeline' and I could have sworn there was this moment where Parker approached an old friend from her high school days in Rome, Giuseppi or something like that and he called her "Monica"...am I being delusional or did he really call her that?

Anybody else notice?


put it on subtitle he calls her parker.


I could have sworn someone called her Missy during one of those flashback scenes when she was a young girl. But don't quote me on that.


by - Dark_Sithlord I could have sworn someone called her Missy during one of those flashback scenes when she was a young girl. But don't quote me on that.

First, sorry for quoting you... : ) Second, I thought during one of the flashbacks, they showed her birthday cake, from when she was a little girl, and it said "Missy" on it??? So, I think you're right...

Bill Steward


Hey, thanks for the quote! :)

You have good eyes. I don't even remember seeing Miss Parker's name on a birthday cake. Next time I do a Pretender marathon, I'll have to remember to look for the scene and zoom in on that cake. Or if anyone can do a screencap of the cake and post it here, that would be great! Thanks!


I just watched that episode last night. I heard Monica also. The subtitle says Parker, but that's definitely not what the priest said.


Yeah, he definitely said Monica.


I rewatched it just the other night, closed my eyes and made my head go blank. Cripes, THEN I heard "Parker" this time.

I think it was just the accent though I really can't be sure. Oh, well. I don't think they'll ever tell us her first name...

are there even any signs of the 3rd movie coming?!?!



That actually makes a lot of sense...


Hm, that would be so them (the writers) to do that, right? Naming the daughter the same name after the mom?

cripes, I wouldn't do that to my own kid, but I suppose that's possible (with the Centre anything is, right?)

...as for the "ridiculous" name, that's another possibility though probably (not ridiculous to Catherine) and if it was, I don't think Jarod would make fun of it, knowing she trusted him with such a big secret. Even as a child, I don't think Jarod would have.



In one flashback episode (I don't remember which), young Jarod asked her name and she was going to tell him, but was stopped from doing so, so she just said "Miss Parker".

***possible spoiler*** (probably not, but better safe than sorry)

In the second movie, "Haunted Island", look and listen to the "ghost girl" and what name she said her father called her and what it said on the tomb she was sitting by.


Don't forget that in one of the flashback scenes (which one? -- haven't looked it up) she whispered her name into Jarod's ear.

Keep On Truckin'



I don't think it's going to be a third movie because they said that it's coming back in a format that they haven't done.

Don't give me attitude. I have my own.


No her first name was Barbra. I cant remember what episode it was in but they did say her first name



How did I miss THAT!?

If anybody knows which ep, tell me please:)

Hm, if it is Barbra then it would be ironic...because I think that name means 'stranger' and 'mysterious' :) coincidence??


We never actually found out what her name was, but it was always believed to begin with M because of what I think was a snow globe in the Christmas episode. (I can't remember the title)

I was hoping they would reveal it in the 3rd movie, but that never came about and probably won't now as it's been 10 years.
Still secretly holding out hope!

Any way I'm still an avid Pretender fan and probably always will be.
MP/J shipper all the way!!

Vampires Are Hot! It's All About The Teeth!


She's been a character in some fanfics I've written (Angel crossovers), and I've always called her Mary Catherine. As her mother was a staunch Catholic, I believe she would give her Mary as a first name, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was then named after her mother.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


We never actually found out what her name was, but it was always believed to begin with M because of what I think was a snow globe in the Christmas episode. (I can't remember the title)

The episode "not even a mouse" from season 1 she has an ornament she gave to her mother that says "To Mom: Merry Christmas Love, M.P. 1969"


Alright, there is an episode where young Jarod asks young Miss Parker what is her first name. Although she does not actually say the name out loud, it is possible to semi read her lips. It appears as though she says the name Andrea, which would make sense because Miss Parker's name in real life is Andrea Parker prompting the theory that her character actually used her real life name.


they've already said thats what the actor says but not that its necessarily suppose to be the characters name


Maybe her first name is Missy and they call her Miss for short.... Miss Parker.


I confirm. It's MONICA.
I'm just finishing a marathon viewing of the show and thanks to 'iferleigh' for pointing out the episode to look for to have this information. By the way, I clearly hear Monica and believe that my hearing and understanding is quite fair as I do subs translation. So there, you have it and can call of the search.

As to the use of Missy, I believe it's a term of endearment to stretch closer to her and still be respectful for her desire not to be on a first name basis.


One thing to be sure of - if any fans say they know what Miss Parker's first name is, they're wrong.

It doesn't matter what people "think" they've heard - especially from actors with a strong accent - be it "Barbara," "Monica" or "Missy." The writer/creators and actress Andrea Parker have all confirmed that the character's first name was never revealed (and still hasn't to this day).


Wrong its Veruca Angelica Parker


Maybe her first name an experiment of the Centre? i mean, they did horrible thing to children and then burried the information...


anyone saying they know for *sure* is lying.




I have no way to back it up because I haven't re-watched since this show originally aired, but it was my favorite show at the time, and I have been convinced for more than half my life that her name was Angela. Now you've all confused me and I might have to go back and watch it all to see where I got this idea.

I always felt it corresponded to her father calling her "angel," but I don't think that was my only reason.

Man, I loved this show.
