Bill Pullman crush

So I'm a gal in her mid-20s....and I know he is inappropriately too old for me...but I have a serious Bill Pullman crush. While You Were Sleeping (fav!), A League of Their Own, Independence Day, Spaceballs, Sleepless in Seattle..."Look, Annie, I love you, but let's leave that out of this." Sigh. Anyone else? :)


So I'm a gal in her mid-20s....and I know he is inappropriately too old for me...but I have a serious Bill Pullman crush.

You are not alone. I blame it on this movie. I want my own Jack!!

This is my signature.


I've had a crush on him since "Spaceballs." And I just saw this movie for the very first time. Oh, wow. I'm kicking myself for not seeing it sooner. It's been sitting in my DVR for a long time. (loved Sandra in it as well). He's pretty close to my age, I think. I'm 54 now. I've never seen him in a romantic comedy before. My loss. I'm still shaking my head.


He was pretty handsome when he was young.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


He's super cute! :D

"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."


I'm a guy in my thirties and I wish he was my husband.
It's mostly the hair but also, he gave Annie her first passport stamp and can carve chairs out of wood. He's perfect.




So I'm a gal in her mid-20s....and I know he is inappropriately too old for me...

Why is it inappropriate? Age is just a number. You're both adults - whats the biggie? Now if you were 13, then there'd be a problem.

I say go for it...if you can find him and convince him to divorce his wife

And yes - he was mega cute in this film - the way he looks at her from under that blond fringe of his *gah*

So put some spice in my sauce, honey in my tea, an ace up my sleeve and a slinkyplanb


I've been in love with him since Spaceballs and Ruthless People. He's got that handsome guy's guy look that women fall for......dreamy.

"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"


Hey, it's ok to like an older man (or younger one for that matter - I still fancy some men/actors who are in their 20s and I'm nearly 40!) - and remember Bill Pullman is probably only in his 30s in those films you mention, so not that much older than you (now) at the time.

I love Cary Grant and he's been dead most of my life AND he was a lot older than I was when I first started fancying him. The same with Harrison Ford.

When someone is handsome, that can translate to any age.

Plus, what's not to like? Bill Pullman is lovely - so cute and he has such a great voice.


Nothing wrong with that! He just seems like such a genuinely nice guy! An every day down to earth guy. He's got this very coy look about it. A shyness that makes him super adorable!
