MovieChat Forums > While You Were Sleeping (1995) Discussion > Favorite line in the movie- bar none

Favorite line in the movie- bar none

"You remind me of someone. (pause) Probably you!"

Somebody set us up the bomb!


"I'm in love with your son.... Not that one....THAT one."


"I'm in love with your son." .... "Not that one. That one."

At the end where she is about to marry Peter and she admits her love for Jack. (: I love how she whispers that last part. It's my favorite scene in the movie, as well.



Lucy: I'm having an affair. I like Jack.
Jerry: Who's Jack?
Lucy: Peter's brother.
Jerry: So?
Lucy: So, he thinks I'm engaged.
Jerry: To who?
Lucy: To Peter.
Jerry: Lucy, I really don't have time for this.
Lucy: No! You have to tell me what to do.
Jerry: Tell the truth.
Lucy: If I tell Jack I lied to his family, he will never speak to me again. And Ox and Midge, and Mary and Saul.
Jerry: Saul? Who's Saul?
Lucy: The nextdoor neighbor. But you know what? Actually, he knows.
Jerry: Lucy, you are born into a family. You do not join them like you do the Marines.
Lucy: So, what should I do?
Jerry: Pull the plug.
Lucy: You're sick.
Jerry: I'm sick? You're cheating on a vegetable.

And I love this one, mainly because I identify with her so much after having fallen for someone at first sight.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Nah. I bet ya don't. You're probably too sensible for that. Or have you ever, like, seen somebody? And you knew that if only that person really knew you, they would ... Well, they would, of course, dump the perfect model that they were with and realize that you were the one that they wanted to, just, grow old with. Have you ever fallen in love with someone you haven't even talked to? Have you ever been so alone, you spend the night confusing a man in a coma?

I also love the part where she's trying to save him, but stops long enough to get a whiff of his cologne and makes a comment about how good he smells. I just thought that was a cute moment.



"I remember 2 things from my childhood. I just don't remember it being this orange."

This is the 1st or 2nd line in the movie, paraphrased.

Nov 21 2012:
I predict Les Misérables will win Best Picture


"Who made you the Pope?"

I still laugh!


So, um, how are things goin´ with, uh, Miss Third Floor?

She´s-- (begins to cry)

Oh, Joey. Joey.


Do you have any cookies?

No. You know what? We can try on some of my shoes.


All right...


Of course the whole dinner conversation but:

You need good beef. Argentina has good beef. And Nazis.
Cesar Romero was tall.
Cesar Romero was not Spanish.
I didn't say Cesar Romero was Spanish.
What did you say?
I said Cesar Romero was tall.
Dustin Hoffman is 5' 2".
Yeah, but do you want to see Dustin Hoffman save the Alamo?


I love that bit about Cesar Romero.


Every single person on the face of the Earth is unique.

... except for you.


I'm watching this right now and a lot of people have already taken quotes that I like but, the one I like is when Lucy is getting furniture she sees the rocking chair:
Lucy: Can I sit in it?
Jack: Rock out.

I like that.


This movie has SO many great lines, that's why it's a classic. The comedy lines are brilliant (the dinner table scene is hilarious, as are all of the Joe Jnr bits - "leaning" - love it!) and the poignant, emotional ones get me crying.

I love when Lucy says "ever been so alone that you spend the night confusing a man in a coma" or her speech at the wedding about falling in love with the family and not feeling alone any more. My heart breaks for her every time.

I love all Lucy and Jack's scenes because they are so cute - they're not overall smushy and sickly, they just feel real.

If you can't tell, I totally LOVE this film.
