MovieChat Forums > Welcome to the Dollhouse (1996) Discussion > I went thru all of this...but I had the ...

I went thru all of this...but I had the nerds revenge.

When my high school years started I got the same kind of treatment from kids and teachers alike.
And my parents were likewise too pig-headed and stupid to see past their own noses.
But I kept my self respect because I had artistic talent that eventually earned me unique status at school.
And when the 'In-crowd' wanted to invite me to join them...I blew THEM off.
I started out like Dawn...but became more like her brother...a PROUD nerd.

Ironically I had a girl cousin just like Missy. Spoiled by her parents who always blamed me for her bad behaviour.
I wanted her to come to a sticky end...until she matured into a sensible young lady who renounced her parents and stood up for me when they tried to blame me.

Today I'm in my late 40's and look like I'm still in my 30's.
I owe my looks to no smoking, drinking or drugging and not giving in to peer pressure to be 'cool'.

Which is what I told some of the girls from school when I met all in their 40's and looking OLD...who thought they were too good for me.

And I finished it off by saying; "So why should I waste my time with any of you dried up old hags when as good as I look I could be plowing your daughters...and I probably have." And walked away.



the brother was a jerk. nothing likable about him. The worst thing is to become a bitter nerd. Because by trying to have revenge you try to be rude to the ones that were mean to you,
but in the process you become rude to everyone else, Like the brother. I doubt anyone really liked him. Not even his bandmates seemed that fond of him.

your story reminds me of the bad guy from OLD SCHOOL. he was bullied, he was hurt, but in the process of becoming more powerful than the bullies ironically he ended up being just as mean as they were. he lost his innocence.

The brother in this movie didn't care about anyone, he didn't care about his friends, his family, he was self obsessed. I hope you didn't become like that



Nope, I didn't, I just simply refused to associate with those who were jerks and didn't change. The ones who were apologetic I forgave but the others could take a hike.

Dawn tried to be good to people but she was pathetic.
Her brother didn't take any guff, but he was bitter.
I simply stayed strong but kept faith in people.


So how long til you forgive the bullies?


Haven't you been reading? I DID forgive them, I'm just not associating with the ones who stayed a$$holes.



That's pretty much what I've been saying. I got harassed by the in-crowd because I WOULDN'T suck-hole to them. I went my own way and blew them off.

At first I thought it was my fault and certain @-holes tried to convince me it was. But I couldn't accept or believe it. I just had too much self-esteem to give into the peer pressure.


OP don't worry about some of the narrow minded responses on this board. I'm glad you were able to rise above all the nonsense. When you go through your formative years, it's easy to become mentally scarred by bullies, who usually have their issues, mainly low self esteem, which they try to inflict on others, like a plague.

The people who are attacking you now, were possibly bullies themselves and are being defensive because they don't want to deal with how cruel and vicious their behaviour was and probably still is.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


The people who are attacking you now, were possibly bullies themselves and are being defensive because they don't want to deal with how cruel and vicious their behaviour was

I'm "attacking" because I think most of what he's written is a lie -- he never rejected this "in crowd" because they never gave him the chance. He probably never married and has been a loner his entire life. He's obviously bitter but wants to tell these fantasies about how he rejected them and that he's so good-looking now he could be dating the daughters of his former classmates.


@bluesdoctor I agree.


Gross. That daughter comment is sick. Find ppl your own age.


Age is only a number.


Yep. 15 will get you 20.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I was referring to younger women of legal age not teenagers.
So wrap your heads around that if you can!




The point of the movie isn’t to show how bullying can be overcome, it’s a character study of a pathetic loser. Wiener Dog DIDN’T have much imagination. The little imagination she had was used to fantasize about stupid sh!t. She was probably genuinely unintelligent. Lots of losers never get a great education and have great life experiences. Maybe you got more support in your home life than she did. I don’t think teen suicide and school shooters would be a problem if everyone’s human spirit was as resilient as yours.



Among the endless movies featuring victims as antiheros, I think this is one of the best. I was in high school when this came out and I had never seen anything like it. I just watched it again and it was still good. I’m glad you liked some of the humor, because that was the best part. The ending could have gone a lot of different ways, but it doesn't matter because it had enough funny jokes.

I give it a 7!




I owe my looks to no smoking, drinking or drugging and not giving in to peer pressure to be 'cool'.

Great advice. So many don't realize that the partying lifestyle makes you age bad.

In case you're wondering, I'm female.



Today I'm in my late 40's and look like I'm still in my 30's.
I owe my looks to no smoking, drinking or drugging

If you actually look fifteen or so years younger, it's more due to heredity than lifestyle choices.

My father was in poor shape at 50 And he lived a life of smoking and drinking and poor diet. I didn't.

the 'In-crowd' wanted to invite me to join them...I blew THEM off.

I don't believe you.

So don't. But you weren't there and I was.

"So why should I waste my time with any of you dried up old hags when as good as I look I could be plowing your daughters...and I probably have."
I also don't believe you told your former female classmates anything like that. But if you did, you're as much a pariah as ever.

Nope. Got my own circle of peers that I'm cool with and I don't need to be with party animals to feel cool!
