MovieChat Forums > Welcome to the Dollhouse (1996) Discussion > I went thru all of this...but I had the ...

I went thru all of this...but I had the nerds revenge.

When my high school years started I got the same kind of treatment from kids and teachers alike.
And my parents were likewise too pig-headed and stupid to see past their own noses.
But I kept my self respect because I had artistic talent that eventually earned me unique status at school.
And when the 'In-crowd' wanted to invite me to join them...I blew THEM off.
I started out like Dawn...but became more like her brother...a PROUD nerd.

Ironically I had a girl cousin just like Missy. Spoiled by her parents who always blamed me for her bad behaviour.
I wanted her to come to a sticky end...until she matured into a sensible young lady who renounced her parents and stood up for me when they tried to blame me.

Today I'm in my late 40's and look like I'm still in my 30's.
I owe my looks to no smoking, drinking or drugging and not giving in to peer pressure to be 'cool'.

Which is what I told some of the girls from school when I met all in their 40's and looking OLD...who thought they were too good for me.

And I finished it off by saying; "So why should I waste my time with any of you dried up old hags when as good as I look I could be plowing your daughters...and I probably have." And walked away.


> I blew THEM off.
> ...a PROUD nerd.

There are 2 kinds of losers: intelligent ones who realize they are losers, and ones who live in self-denial. The first ones are more tragic, the latter are a joke.

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~


I was niether Tragic or a JOKE.

I just wasn't going to associate with those who thought it was 'cool' to run others down. And told them so.


kartoon, I empathize. I went through that as well. Now I look very young at age 30. People still seem to think I am underage. I guess all due to no drinking of alcohol, no drugs, and no smoking. I was never 'cool' in all of my years in school. After college, though, I went into the workforce and became a 'star' in my own right. Every time I see recognize someone from my old school days, I see how much of a loser they have become. I get the last laugh.


Living well is the best revenge.


A film-inspired, internet ego power-trip in your late 40's isn't exactly reassuring for those of us who are still young and relate to WTTD. In other words, I'd prefer not to turn out like you.


No ego trip here. Just stating the fact that what goes around comes around.

I can relate to Dawn, but in the end I took Mark Weiners way and learned to treat the @$$-holes with the contempt they deserve and forge my own life, concentrating on my work instead of trying to impress stuck-up in-crowd twerps.

Mark even showed some sympathy to Dawn and in a roundabout way advised her to try and let it slide like he does. She's a nerd who laments at being unable to fit in, while Mark was a nerd who could care less.

I didn't seek revenge, it just fell into my lap and I went with it.


are you married ?


That's my business.

Now of course someone here is going to say 'That's a NO!'

Go ahead. I said my piece and I'm not sorry with my life's decisions.


hey! calm down i asked you that because you seem like a nice guy


OK, well, I CAN be a nice guy, but some people insinuate that being unmarried means you're pathetic.
But just think of how many marriages are pathetic?
I'm not going to divulge my personal life except to say, I've had my ups & downs with people like anyone else, and my experiences, which were much like Dawns taught me to be good to others but not to tolerate the a-holes that are out there.
At least I didn't go 'COLUMBINE' like some kids do. It wouldn't have done me ANY good and it shows that it doesn't pay to be a bully.
Because one day, you'll pick on the wrong kid and...bang.


well all the teasing that i went through when i was in school really tramatized me after i graduated from high school i had nightmares and would wake up and go to the bathroom and would throw up and after that i would cry myself to sleep and would wake up really depressed the kids did a lot of stuff to me when i was in high school like when this one boy who i thought was mature and sweet really had me fooled he asked for my phone number and then we started to date each other and the whole time we dated he asked when are we going to do more then just kiss ? i told him that i was not ready so he kept wooing me like say things like i love you then i would say i love you then he would say prove it which ment sex but i still told him that i was not ready and he would say just kidding so when he stopped asking about sex and and started to once again start to put on the mature act again to woo me i got convinced and decided to go that far so that morning before that night of the hot date that we were going to have i walked in to school and see him collecting money from other boys and they were laughing and pointing at me and i found out that it was a bet and a joke so i broke up with him and after school i went home and went to my room and cried in private .and like when i would return to my desk after the teacher had called me up to the chalk board one boy would pull my chair from under my butt and cause me to fall nearly breaking my tail bone when i be walking in the hallway they would knock my books out of my hand and they would pour bottled water in my chair and i would not feel it until i got back to my seat and they would say real loud that i peed on myself . they did a lot more to me but i don't want to take up your time im now seeing a therapist to help heal the scars you know what ticks me off the same boys that would not give me the time and day and said and thought that i was ugly ended up marrying the most hideous looking cows that look ten times hideous then what they thought i was . and they be on facebook with photos showing cheesy hideous ass grins.


all that teasing must've really affected your learning...ever hear of a run on sentence? or a paragraph for that matter? i couldnt' even read more than a line or two of your post.

no offense, just pointing out that your post was painful to read. or attempt to read.

"He must've thought it was white boy day. It ain't white boy day, is it?"


Yeah, your writing sucks too. Ever hear of capitalization?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Of course. Have you? :) I said " no offense" was just hard to read.


This is so sad. You're more than 40 years old and you're still having issues because you were bullied a little bit in junior high?

Bitterness is never good. The bullies probably moved on and know they did some bad things, but come on, you and them were all kids! You should've been able to forgive them by now, otherwise you're just going to end up unhappy and exasperated.



I would guess that means no and you still buy star trek action figures at 40!!



thanks i will try


Not bitter, then.



Jesus are you 12 years old?


I have never sought revenge against any former tormenters. I have let it go. But if and when I run into old classmates and some are still jerks, I simply tell them where to go stick themselves and leave it at that.


Reading through your replies it was obvious to me that you still feel bitter about being bullied. I mean, at almost 50 years of age... you can't still be talking about those things so defensively...on an Internet forum.


People have made their replies and I'm just responding!
I just chalk up what happened as experience.
And life's experiences taught me to accept others for who they are but tolerate no @$$-holes.



Hang in there Lillith! It does get better, when you're young, kids love to find a target to bully so that they themselves won't be the target.

I was bullied too, I had no friends, kids would mock the way I walked, talked, dressed and anything else they could use against me because as long as I was the class loser it meant that they didn't have to be. Kids spat in my food, scratched 'whore' into my locker and would invite me to play with them only if I would entertain them by doing something degrading like eating dirt or showing my panties. I didn't have anyone just like you and to make matters worse my mother was mentally handicapped and functioned as a 6-8 year old, so that was fun.

The point is, I understand. Be your own best friend, look out for yourself, love yourself and believe in yourself as much as you can and don't let yourself get too depressed. I moved away from the state I grew up in as soon as I could and put myself through college. I'm now more successful than any of the people that bullied me, but more importantly I'm more happy than they are. I know this because I do what I love everyday and have peace in my heart that even though people treated me cruelly, I overcame it and now I allow myself to love and BE loved by others.

Keep your chin up and don't let them break your spirit, you'll do great things!


As I said:

Learn from the experience to accept others for who they are but don't put up with any crap.
