Dug it!

I expected to be disappointed with this one. I was pleasantly surprised. Some of the early dialogue between Fonda's and Crowe's respective characters was a tad cheesy with a very contrived feeling. If you can get past this, overall it's a fun movie.


I dug it too; but what you call contrived, I call trying to do it in the style of classic film noir. This is the best combination of Rod Serling and Orson Welles coupled with better looking ladies.


Has anyone read the book this movie is based on?
it was " Miss Shamway waves a wand" by James Hadly Chase.


Do they still make books?
You actually have time to read?


I've been looking for a copy of that for years.

Let slip the Determined Kitten of Doom!


Yeah! Fonda was engaging and spunky. Loved her. Crowe was also great. He does hard-boiled well, as he later showed in "LA Confidential". Supporting cast was terrific. A fine little movie that covered some interesting new territory.


I like this film as well. It may not be perfect, but it's playful and it has a lot of heart.


I enjoyed it.
Crowe at times was really good.
and Fonda was really good at times...


This was weirder than expected.
