Favorite Lines


"Jesus Christ, has he told them how many push-ups he can do yet?"


"You have the Army Sir"

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


I tend to be more of a fan of specific scenes rather than lines but two that stick out are:

"What about this Washington Post crap....Woodwind and Fernstein...who the *beep* are they? Bob, are you working on revoking their television license?"

"When they look at you, they see what they want to be. When they look at me, they see what they are."

"It's just a matter of mathematics. How many votes do I have in the Senate?"
"About a dozen, sir."
"A dozen? Let's see...I got half of 'em elected. Okay so we got the South. Goldwater and his boys. I'll take my chances in the Senate."

"If you have to go all the way down to the janitor at the Justice Department, fire that son of a bitch, as well!"

Scenes that I liked include:

The scene in the Oval Office immediately after the press conference when Nixon announces the end of American involvement in Vietnam and the press turns on him regarding Watergate. (Hopkins, Sorvino, and especially James Woods are excellent here)

The entire second scene with Larry Hagman when he angrily confronts Nixon. ("...and the ragheads are killin' me Dick...AND I've got a federal judge tellin' me that I've got to bus my grandkids halfway 'cross this town to go to school with some *beep* kids!") Living in the South in the early 70s, I can't tell you how often I heard that same line regarding busing from MANY, MANY people whether they had supported civil rights or not.

Pretty much anything that came out of Martha Mitchell's (Madeline Kahn) mouth.

The scene with Julie towards the end where she asks if he covered it up.

A number of scenes with Pat....(dinner table, in the Lincoln room talking about the tapes, after the '62 defeat)

Closing scene (I heard the actual speech live in 1974). Hopkins did well for an actor but nothing could top the original.


"Lets pray Henry"

Is pretty good as is the snivelling in front of the fireplace that follows with Sorvino as Kissinger looking very uncomfortable.



"My friends call me Mr. President"


John Dean: Can I ask you a question? How the hell do you have the temerity to blackmail the President of the United States?

E. Howard Hunt: That's not the question, John. The question is: why is he paying?


"Gentlemen, I am off to discover the length, breadth and depth of the shaft."


"They won't have Nixon to kick around anymore!"
