MovieChat Forums > In the Mouth of Madness (1995) Discussion > I guess the ADHD generation doesn't get ...

I guess the ADHD generation doesn't get it

I'm a "millennial" 34 years old and just shake my head at the lack of understanding by those my age and younger. I guess nowadays everything has to specifically spelled out with giant explosions and over the top horror. I laugh dismissively of course at the fools who think this is a bad movie. I'm sorry this does hold your interest perhaps you can find more appeal with your face buried in your smartphone.



Not sure what there is ""to get"" it's straight forward, only suffers from being definitely a 90s flick from the style but it's one of my favorites. Sam Neil should have been a bigger star he's great in everything


Well the film was a flop and hardly critically lauded 20 years ago so it seems that generation didn't get it either.

I plan on writing an epic poem about this gorgeous pie.


I'm 30 years old so I guess I'm a millennial as well and I like this film. I watched it again, yesterday on the YouTube.


Great innovative film by Carpenter. You know, his The Thing flopped as well, still, now it is considered an indesputable classic, haha!


I am being totally sincere when I ask, can you please briefly explain why you like this film? I don't understand why anyone would like it. It's just scenes. No narrative structure or flow whatsoever in my opinion.


ADHD generation? It was the boomers who shit on the film and gave it negative reviews upon its release. Posts like this astound me. If anything, the newer generations have given the film a newfound appreciation and cult following.
