Your favorite scene

My favorite scene is when Max is cruising along in his fishing boat, singing "Maria." He takes a little bit of liberty with the lyrics, "and suddenly I see, she's not that b---h I thought she'd be."

Ironically, I was in a stageplay of 'West Side Story' the weekend before I saw this movie, so the music was still fresh in my head. My pals and I absolutely lost it. People in the theatre were looking at us like we were nuts.

I also love everything Burgess Meredith says or does (in this movie or any other). He was such a talented performer.


"I hope you have a big trunk... because I'm puttin' my bike in it."




Max: Maria,there may be many fish in the sea but you're the only one I would want to mount over my fireplace
John: Uh... yeah... that's not... not too bad...
Max: [looks around shiftily] Did ya catch the sexual inuendo?
John: I did... I did.


I especially like the scene where Lemmon plops down into the old couch where Meredith has been sitting mornings forever, complaining about how things are when he notices that Meredith has died. It's such a powerful scene, and Lemmon's pain seems so real. The scene is a , well, MOVIE-stopper, and I believe it's a tribute to Jack Lemmon's acting ability.


Couldnt agree more. I like how the camera stays for a couple beats after that
and just shows Lemmon sitting with his dad one last time at the lake.

"That designated driver is hot! I'd like to get her drunk.."


SO hard to choose. One of mine is where Max is passing out Halloween treats and he hands out a coaster and a stapler to these two kids and then Melanie's daughter comes home with a bunch of laundry detergent.


Three scenes:

Max: I am the gangster of love, I am the thief of hearts.
John: Gangster, huh? So, tell me, was it more of a hold-up than a stick-up?
Max: Even your infantile penis jokes seem witty and charming today, sir.

Max: Maria, there are many women floating in the river but you, uh, you're the only one I'd like to stuff and put up over my fireplace.

The scene where John goes to see his father and tell him about Melanie and Jacob splitting up and Max and him fighting, then finds that he's passed. Tears in his eyes, he says: "I guess God finally remembered ya, Pop," recalling Meredith's earlier line in the film. Fabulous.



There are so many but I love love love when Grandpa tells his great-granddaughter the bed time story and how the baby bear says "someone's been sleeping in my bed, too, and the bastard is still in it!" and then how Goldie Locks has a Remington with the scope and hair trigger. I literally laugh out loud every time I see that part and then when she asks him to sing her a lullaby and he sings "Dream a Little Dream of Me." Just cute and nice and awesome. :D

"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"


Surprised no one's mentioned the scene where Ariel and Max go to the restaurant looking for John. Hilarious!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
