Guilty pleasure?

Come on, admit it! There's plenty of you out there that probably watch this movie and love it, while poking fun at it later. I'm one of them, I can say it (LOL). Yes, it's a guilty pleasure.


Heh, yeah. It is.
Terrible dialogue but enjoyable story line.

Love Julia Ormond in this role, same for Sean Connery. Agree that having Gere play Lancelot was, well, crazy, but my favorite scene was one that you will never see Gere be: Crying and humble. One of my favorite scenes was when he experienced a cathartic healing in Leoness, when he see the Church blockaded and is able to rescue the people, unlike he was able to do when he was younger. But come on. When do you EVER see Gere be that vulnerable and accessible? Never. He's too pretty boy in every single other movie. That's why it will always be my favorite scene. Redemption.

So while the writers were awful (ps what WAS that script at the beginning, the opening? It was terrible!) and the costumes, well, eh not really a fan, it is a guilty pleasure and I think there were a lot of redeeming parts. A lot of great Catholic imagery. Some good music too.

On whole not a great movie, but again, in part, some scenes were pretty good.


Nothing to admit here. I like this movie for it's photography and cinematography. Beautiful shots of beautiful places. Connery as Arthur was a certain appeal and I think he pulled it off. Soundtrack was original and good. And the storyboarding is great. Especially Arthur's welcome of Guinevere. The faults of the movie is the action sequences, and the editing.

Better than Waterworld.

Just drivin aroundddd, in Jon Voight's carrrr.


I like this movie for it's photography and cinematography. And the storyboarding is great.

by - photonphon on Thu Mar 17 2011 01:08:50

Where did you get to see the boards for this film? Can you link to them?

But regarding the cinemetography, at times it was striking and very classic, at times very softly lit and reminiscent of earlier films, rather than sharp and hyper real like most contemporary films are trying to achieve but still, it was pretty boring.

I wish they had tried to do something different and deviated from what was expected. It looked like any other meieval film. It's all a matter of opinion but I thought it was very lacklustre.


Where did you get to see the boards for this film? Can you link to them?

Sorry I didn't mean storyboards when I look at my post again. I guess what I was trying to imply was the direction and symmetry of some scenes were impressive and seemed to be drawn out beforehand. I guess I meant that I imagined the story boarding to be great.

Just drivin aroundddd, in Jon Voight's carrrr.


Sorry I didn't mean storyboards when I look at my post again. I guess what I was trying to imply was the direction and symmetry of some scenes were impressive and seemed to be drawn out beforehand. I guess I meant that I imagined the story boarding to be great.

by - photonphon on Thu Mar 24 2011 00:40:44

I think I get what you mean, like where the shot is so well set you that if you were to freeze frame it, it'd look like a painting or something? I felt that way about The Man in the Iron Mask(1998), it was like a moving oil painting it was so beautifully photographed. I did have one or two of those moments in First Knight, I think I recall one where Arthur and Guinevere are like overlooking Camelot, I think? But overall the film didn't gel with me. I love Richard Gere but he was a major miscast in my opinion.


I love this movie, I watch it all the time. I think the soundtrack has big part in why I love this movie so much.


Whenever I see it on cable, I always flip it on and will watch, especially if nothing else interesting to me is on. I've actually worn my hair just like Lancelot's in this movie for awhile now and really like it, so it's definitely had an impact on me anyway.

Overall, it is just an okay movie, but there are just certain scenes that I just connect with for some reason (the whole opening introduction to Lancelot, when he first rescues Guinevere and the follow-up scene, the gauntlet, diving off the castle into the water, sheltering from the rain in the forest, and the final battle). Also, some people might find them to be cheesy editing techniques but I quite like the two "transition" scenes in the movie (ie: the "How could I love anyone more?" to Lancelot's reflection and the pissed off King Arthur's eye turning into the fire basket).

And some of the minor characters are just so one-dimensional that they are quite entertaining (evil Ralf; Peter, the stable lad; Mark the big, loveable, dumb blonde brute; Sir Bald Bearded Jumps-to-Conclusion guy "they say he fights for money!!"). I also think it is hilarious when Lancelot is spinning that bridge over the oubliette and the first guard comes rushing in and when he realizes what is happening he tries to go back but the idiot second guard just stands there until they both get knocked down into it. And isn't that life for ya :) Oh, and Oswalt's costume is just the most ridiculous thing ever, isn't it?

I also definitely agree with the above comment that Jerry Goldsmith really did a fantastic job scoring this movie. I think that's a large part of what makes it so appealing for me.


I love to watch this movie and don't feel guilty about it My wife on the other hand think it is too mushy with the unfaithfulnes etc.
Can you believe that?


Guilty as charged.

My Vote History:


I fail to see how this is bad. People handle it like it was Dune but I watched it about half a dozen times when I was younger and loved it. It's one of my few 10/10 movies. And I generally don't like ronance at all, I'm into westerns, noir and jidai geki.


Valar morghulis


I've always liked it, never poked fun of it either, but I probably would have if the subject had come up. But yeah, I really enjoy this film :> Or did anyway, it's been years since I saw it now. Might be time for another go.
