I found the DVD!

After years, and I mean years, I finally found a copy of this version of Escape to Witch Mountain. Someone had taped it and put it onto a DVD. I had taped it a long time ago, but it got taped over. So I finally have the movie back in my possesion. (I love Erik Von Detten!!) If I knew how I'd make copies but i'm not sure how. So if you've got any tips let me know!


If you have the dvd it is pretty easy to copy it if you have a dvd recorder and if you do just look on after dawn.com they show all sorts of ways of copying movies.

"Good. Better. Best. Never let it rest, 'til your good is Better and your better is BEST!"


im so excited ive got a copy too. its so good.


Please email me i would like this version so much. My email address is [email protected].


yes me too ive been looking for this for years!! [email protected]


Couldn't resist, has anyone found a way to create duplicates?

If so, could someone be kind enough to email any information needed in order to purchase a copy?


[email protected]


You can take it to Wal-Mart and they can make copies for you. It's a new thing that they do.


OMG!! I have been looking for a copy ever since I saw it on TV. It would be awesome if you could make copies. Would it be possible to send me one?


Thats So Awesome! Everyone one has said this already but i want a copy. I like the new one WAY better then the old one... We need some sort of way to talk to everyone.. If you guys have AIM. My aim name is BuckFlinch.. so add me if you have a way to get the movie...


I would also love a copy, if anyone's still paying attention to this...

My e-mail is [email protected].


OMG! That would be so amazing. I have been hoping for so long that the Disney Channel would show it again along with all the other old films like Trading Moms and Underwraps...I miss all those movies!

Please if there's anyway to copy it and send it that would be great!!!!


if anyone is interested in doing this with B&P let me know. [email protected]


I will also pay whatever - my e-mail is [email protected]. Please, please, please - it would be brilliant if I could have a copy. I love this movie!!!

Gemma :-)


Sorry I haven't been back on here in a while. But just last night I was going to watch the movie since Id only watched it one time since I got it. And when I put it in the DVD player, it wouldn't play. It said "Check Disc". Now I don't know if there is a way that the person who made the disc set it up so you could only watch it once if thats even possible, but it won't play no matter what I do. And I can't find the DVD anywhere else. =(
