Did Robert accept what they had

He could have looked her up after her husband passed, but he never did. I keep wondering if he liked things just as they panned out. If he wanted to be with her and loved her so much then why not join her. Was he still respecting her relationship with the husband. He could have lived far away but as time went by from the way the movie unfolds one would think he would have kept tabs on her. He may have become ill for years or just at this point in his life felt he could no longer measure up. How would he compare 4 days with a life of another man.

This movie had a ton of points where you have to fill in the blanks with whatever you felt happened.


I can't remember if he died before or after her husband. It's like you say, he could have had such poor health and couldn't be with her because of it. I wish they had ended the movie with the two of them together in old age.

Do ya love him Loretta?
Ah Ma I love im awful.
Oh God, you poor thing.


The way I took it, he didn't know Richard died.

Francesca looked him up after her husbands death with no luck. Then the package came informing her of his death. Roberts that is.


My favorite quote in the movie was his: "I don't want or need you because I can't have you."

That says it all.


they didnt have the internet back then.

and it was probably 20 years after their four days when dick died.
and clint was already 52 when they had their affair, so it would have been very different then.

but woulda been nice to have a little time togehter


Good pov, I actually did not remember that he was fifty two when the affair took place. No wonder he was so desperate to have her. In reality he knew she may have been the last women he could have had a chance to be happy with.


It's sad how he seemed to finally found the love of his life rather late in life :(

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


I didn’t get the sense that he was desperate. He just loved her and really wanted her.

He was portrayed as old, but also suave, smooth, charismatic. He also had women / mistresses around the world. He wasn’t this guy who had to take any woman who came his way.

He was acting out of love, not desperation


She had the ability to look him up because he was a photographer for a legit magazine. She could just contact the magazine, which she did.

But how was he supposed to keep tabs on her? She’s a nondescript woman living in a nondescript, small town in Iowa. He can’t write letters. He can’t call. There’s no internet, no Facebook.

For him to contact her, he would have to go back to that town to find out about her, and he wasn’t going to go back.
