Consider this, hypocrites

She's a slut and a whore. Another example of Hollywood's PC double standard. Before you start trying to convince me that it's poignant and romantic, tell what you would think if it was a husband that banged some chick passing though town while his wife was away taking care of the kids. Well hypocrites? What do you say now? Can anybody say "Fatal Attraction?"


There is a double standard all around.

True, if it had been a cheating MAN, then he'd be a "pig", "no good" and every other name in the book. BUT when it's about a woman, suddenly it's about 'chasing your heart', 'romance', and my favorite, "finding yourself". and usually it's rationalized by the man somehow being below par and therefore deserving to be left.

It's infidelity, pure and simple. And it's betrayal of husband AND family.


So you basically think that a fictional film has to be a moral trendsetter. It wouldn't make any difference to me if it was a man, because, you know, the point wasn't the fairness of what happened but the fact it happened and its emotional -not moral- consequences in the character.


Gosh, I don't think there would be much of a movie there if they didn't have an affair LOL.



Seems as if a lot of you missed parts of this movie and instead of trying to understand what really happened would rathger say something that she could not help. I will say that she seemed to make little effort in conveying to her husband what she was going through but she di give him 99% of her and since he never found out he died as a man who thought his wife was everything to him as she wanted him to feel.

He realized she may have wanted more but in those times as she did not talk about what she was going through he was not about to rock the boat and press her on it. This was how people were and they could not help it no matter what the circumstances were.

So what, she screwed someone else, hubby had her all there lives don't forget he had a real prize because in most romantic movies she would have dumped him. but she stayed the course and devoted her life to him not Robert. what more do you want.


He had her body...her physical form...but he never had her heart and soul after her brief interlude with Robert. The fact that she wanted her ashes spread with Robert's...wanted her eternal resting place to be with him shows that her husband lost her and basically spent the time afterwards with someone who was going through the motions (perhaps very convincing but still...) and that makes me feel sorry like him. Being a good man and father I think he deserved to be with someone who wanted to be with him, not felt obligated to be with him.


All those years i feel he did have her heart, you can love two people at the same time. The way I saw the end was she was not bitter or regretful she gave her life to her husband at all, he died a happy man. Wanting her eternal ashes spread as Robert wished was Roberts consolation prize. I think any man would rather have what the husband got verses what she gave to Robert. Robert was gone for years and she had to had been in love with her husband from there tender moments on his death bed scene, but just as she honored him she wanted to honor Robert as she did, no one lost but all gained.


She may have loved her husband but I don't think she was ever in love with him especially at the end. It has been a few years since I have seen the movie but even when she describes meeting Richard it didn't sound like she fell in love with him the man but more the idea of him and the idea of life in America...which is why she was so disappointed with the reality of it all. This is why I think (hurting her family aside) she would not have been happy with Robert had she left with him. She got taste of all that was good and exciting about Robert without knowing his flaws and faults. Once she really got to know him, I think she would have been disappointed again.


Very good reply, I feel the point you expressed is on the money, except the part where you write she was not in love with the husband. This is not an uncommon position when thinking retrospect. Barn dances and so on were what they did. What I am getting at is what she experienced with Robert is fantasy, not real love. Something every one did, especially if it involved what we saw with Robert. What we saw was what couples did back then they love the atmosphere as the writers wants us to know but there was little passion shown by people, it certainly did not mean there was not true love.


If my mom would have left me a letter like the one Francesca did I would not feel as if my family had "gained" anything, I would feel betrayed. I would take her ashes to the town dump with the rest of the garbage.

Francesca acted as if life should be a picnic and that nobody else has regrets, doubts or disappointments. I am sure the husband wasn't always thrilled with keeping the old family farm afloat but he did the best he could and never cheated on her. Some slick dude comes to her door and she thinks she is "in love" because she had a roll in the hay with him? What a child.

I wonder if Francesca would have been understanding if she found out her old man was banging some broad from the pig competition in town. I tend to doubt it. Of course she bonds with the other cheating whore too. I am sure they compared notes on how lame their husbands were.

And who cares what "Robert" wants anyway? She hung out with the guy for about 3 days. He was an interloper who tried to get her to leave her husband and kids behind. Home-wreckers don't deserve to have their wishes fulfilled.

This is actually a perfect Eastwood movie to the extent Kincaid is EXACTLY like he is, except Clint is even worse. The guy has 7 kids by five different women. He cheated on most of them and demanded Sandra Locke have at least 2 abortions, while he was married to a woman who was ill. He is a scumbag of the first order and this movie comes off like some sort of rationalization for his own sleaziness.


That is an example of why Roger Ebert is a mediocre film critic. They DID act on their desire, both physically and emotionally. The woman lived a lie for the remainder of her husband's life. Yes she cared for him but she allowed her heart to be stolen by another man during an adulterous affair.

As if that wasn't enough, she felt it necessary to tell her children of her duplicity for no good reason. They had to live out their days with the knowledge their parent's marriage was basically a sham and that it was a "sacrifice" on their mother's part to stay behind, to honor the vows she willingly took.

All this for a man the mother barely knew. She was a bored housewife who got taken in by a smooth talking traveling photographer. The guy seduced her without giving her family a second thought or what damage he could be doing.

And what is this crap about "come with me now" or else? If he truly cared about the woman, there are better ways of handling things. If she would have jumped out of her husband's truck and went with Kincaid on the spot that would have been TERRIBLE.

Any hope of salvaging a relationship with her children would have been out at that point and the husband would have been crushed. He didn't deserve that. Let's be clear, Kincaid was asking Francesca to FORGET about her life and travel with him. That is the sign of a self centered piece of garbage.

It would have been better if Kincaid's truck had been T-boned when he went through the intersection at the end. They could have shown his bloody body laying in the smoldering wreckage. THAT would have been a fitting end for him.



That is an example of why Roger Ebert is a mediocre film critic. They DID act on their desire, both physically and emotionally. The woman lived a lie for the remainder of her husband's life. Yes she cared for him but she allowed her heart to be stolen by another man during an adulterous affair.

As if that wasn't enough, she felt it necessary to tell her children of her duplicity for no good reason. They had to live out their days with the knowledge their parent's marriage was basically a sham and that it was a "sacrifice" on their mother's part to stay behind, to honor the vows she willingly took.

All this for a man the mother barely knew. She was a bored housewife who got taken in by a smooth talking traveling photographer. The guy seduced her without giving her family a second thought or what damage he could be doing.

And what is this crap about "come with me now" or else? If he truly cared about the woman, there are better ways of handling things. If she would have jumped out of her husband's truck and went with Kincaid on the spot that would have been TERRIBLE.

Any hope of salvaging a relationship with her children would have been out at that point and the husband would have been crushed. He didn't deserve that. Let's be clear, Kincaid was asking Francesca to FORGET about her life and travel with him. That is the sign of a self centered piece of garbage.

It would have been better if Kincaid's truck had been T-boned when he went through the intersection at the end. They could have shown his bloody body laying in the smoldering wreckage. THAT would have been a fitting end for him.



sounds like mc101 has mommy issues.


@ mc101 Your thinking is perverted... & i'm sure u r a person who cant think beyond sex.


I think if a movie were to depict the man in an affair with the same sensitivity and insight, the effect would be the same. It's just that most of the time when it's a woman, it's portrayed as being deep and meaningful and when it's the man, it's portrayed as him being shallow and selfish.

Do ya love him Loretta?
Ah Ma I love im awful.
Oh God, you poor thing.
