3/10. Here's why:

It was very clear that its makers didn't want THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY to be a sappy romantic movie. When FRANCESCA & ROBERT meet, it's not a meet cute; it's very... hmmm... "everyday life-y." Also, the moments they spend together aren't exagerated. At first I was relieved, but the makers went to the whole other end of the line by making a romantic movie with no spark. Sure, the last part gets more passionate, but by that point is too late. A cheesy line could've been useful in 1 or 2 moments. Now, this doesn't mean that Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood don't have chesmitry; they do. Their performances are not bad at all, but they're not good enough to save the movie. Considering that this was made in 1995, the cinematography is weak, but the music score is good.

Read comments of other movies at http://vits-ingthemovies.blogspot.com/2015/07/comments-round-up-june-2015.html

Any thoughts?


The actors were top notch but the whole story felt clunky and disjointed so many things didn't make sense. They never show her making any effort to contact him after her husband passed. Her husband suspected she wanted to do something in the arts yet she never talked to him as we learn from his letter read by his daughter after his death. I didn't understand why she never pursued anything outside the farm. The leads get an A in my book but the over all film isn't much at all.


I thought she did try to contact Kincaid after the husband died? I believe she contacted the magazine where he used to work, and they said Kincaid left. After the magazine, she had no other ways to reach him. She didn't have an iphone to pull up the dude's Facebook or Linkedin page.
