Streep was terrible.

I can't get passed the fact that this 'great' actress is portraying an Italian warbride so unconvincingly, starting with an accent that is nothing even close to an Italian accent. It's more like a poorly done slavic accent Just imagine Sophia Loren with a fire in her belly and then know how the part should have been played. Eastwood was terrific, but streep makes this unwatchable for me.


Personally I thought this is one of her best performances. She has Italian heritage so I trusted her accent. I dont think Clint really had anything challenging to do at all. I saw it because Clint was in it but loved because of Streep. Oh well. Each to their own.


Agree! She was fantastic in this.

I'm the best at what I do, and what I do best isn't very nice.
I'm the Wolverine.


original poster... you are crazy. streep was flawless

R.I.P. Heath Ledger
(April 4, 1979 - January 22, 2008)


I agree with you, OP. I am Italian, born in Italy, and she sounded American to me. There was one point when she was shouting at C.E. where she sounded Spanish a bit, but I didn't believe her either. I did like her better looks with the darker hair, though. It seemed that they added golden hues to her skin as well. She looked better than ever to me, but still thought of her as an American housewife.

"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"


Streep was excellent.


Outstanding. Anyone who trivializes about her Italian accent, but can't see the obvious tragedy that Streep portrays in this beautiful performance, hasn't experienced lost love. Of all her roles this is my favorite. She'll never top it.


The accent took second place to her mannerisms. The way she did that lazy clap of her hands when her family comes home; her hand when she's in the truck with her husband; the way she walks; and the way she moves around the kitchen with the ease of someone who has trod these few square feet for years. These actions made her character more believable to me.
Did you ever work at Pizza Hut? No, but I ate there a lot.


You took the words out of my mouth... this is my favourite of all Streep's performances because when I'm watching the film I don't even remember I'm watching Meryl Streep... she completely created this whole real character with her mannerisms and body language... I know an Italian lady very similar to the character, and it's all just sooooooo spot on


I agree. I have a 100% Italian aunt and she (Streep) most definitely nailed many of the the point where I thought she WAS my aunt! Streep is a master at subtle little movements in ALL her dramatic performances, and this is no different. I guess some people just don't want to see anyone these days except a Kardashian on screen. Sad world.


I am formerly known as HillieBoliday....Member since May 2006

.....Most definitely outstanding! I agonized with every aspect of her character. It was very poignant...and totally unforgettable. Such a talented writer to be able to capture such real feelings, and quiet emotions in such a moving and thought provoking way. Everything about this film was excellent...and the accent (or lack of according to the OP) did not bother me at all. It was the story, the characters and the actors that were so compelling.

"OOhhhooo....I'M GON' TELL MAMA!"


Hillie, do you remember a post that went on and on for the longest time? The question was about whales that had beached themselves. At one point in time, there were over 500 posts. Ah, the good old days....

Did you ever work at Pizza Hut? No, but I ate there a lot.


I am formerly known as HillieBoliday....Member since May 2006

OMG.. I totally missed that one! I love it when a topic can entice a thought process that invites others to share their points of view about thematic subjects, characters, etc., that is inferred on or off the screen.

"OOhhhooo....I'M GON' TELL MAMA!"


I think we should resurrect it. I'm sure you can imagine what a firestorm it will become. Let's do it!

I hate people who use big words just to make themselves look perspicacious.


Okay even though I loved the movie, losing a person you loved is in no way something cool to experience. Don't talk about this as it is a necessity. But, as someone who experienced it, I would have enjoyed her performance without. This being said.. you have to move the *beep* on in life...


There were slavic people living in Italy.


This is the only Streep movie I could sit through. Her accent wasn't perfect but she had a good go at it.


I think she was Amazing
