MovieChat Forums > The Tick (1994) Discussion > Season 3 Cancellation?

Season 3 Cancellation?

I notice that unlike season 1 and 2... season 3 ends after 10 episodes. The last episode was the Tick vs. Education. I remember when this episode aired... there was no indication that this was the end of the seires. Was the Tick cancelled abruptly out of nowhere or was it given a slow, quiet, ambivalent death?

Choose your signature quotes carefully…. They could be misinterpreted (you moron).- drwho


It appears that is the case, as a fourth season was planned. Here is the info from the main page.

A fourth season was planned before Fox canceled the series. Some of the fourth seasons' developments would involve Arthur and Tick moving in with Carmelita, and that Barry (from "The Tick vs. The Tick") was revealed to be Carmelita's brother, who originally destined to wear Arthur's moth suit.


Damn. I wonder why they canacelled it.

Choose your signature quotes carefully…. They could be misinterpreted (you moron).- drwho


It was pretty abrupt. They showed the last episode, and it was off the air immediately. I'm pretty sure they never even re-ran any episodes after the final one.

"The ineffaceable, sad birthmark in the brow of man, is but the stamp of sorrow in the signers."


What caused The Tick to be canned? I doubt it was low ratings, since it's such a fantastic show. Fox never seems to keep any of their best shows on for long, except for The Simpsons which is now being milked for all it's worth.


Fox never understood the Tick. They threated it like a show for children, and stuck it in the saturday morning superhero hour, between Spider-man, X-men and shows like that, while the show was made mainly for teenagers and young adults. I bet you that if the Tick had been placed in Prime Time, where it belonged, it would have lasted for several seasons more.

We can't stop here! This is Bat-country!


I wonder, if DVD sales are high, if there'll be any chance for The Tick to come back on air. I mean, it happened for Family Guy, and I think The Tick is 10x better than that show. I just hope that the show wouldn't be terrible if it did come back, because the new Family Guys are weak compared to the old ones.


The difference is, Family Guy had been of air for a few months. The Tick have been of air for a decade.

We can't stop here! This is Bat-country!


It was very strange...but that's Fox for you. They have a track record of cancelling great shows...even those that aren't slipping in the ratings game. The Tick was actually an extremely popular show, and the ratings were, as far as I've been able to ascertain, fairly high right up to the series' untimely cancellation. No explanation has ever been given...though I think the fans definitely deserved one.


Imagine Fox executives sort of like cavemen. Not smart cavemen, that thinks "Fire Good. Keeps Hoogaa warm and alive in winter". Fox cavemen thinks "Eew not understand what fire is. Eew not like fire. Eew kill Hoogaa who made fire. Then Eew urinate on fire".

We can't stop here! This is Bat-country!


Good analogy. They did try to bring back a completely bogus representation of the Tick. It was aired during prime time right after the original seasons of Family Guy, and it starred Patrick Warburton. It was so far from anything that ever made the Tick good and likable that it was utterly untolerable. Ben Edlund claims to have cowritten it and been proud of it, but I can't see how that's possible. If they did bring back a revival of the Tick cartoon show, I'd want to see my favorites from the show like American Maid, Sewer Urchine, and the Evil Midnight Bomber. Not those cheap ripoffs they had in the live action. Also, if it ever happened (which it won't) that would be great if they brought in classic Tick comic book characters like the Chainsaw Vigilante, Paul the Samurai, and Eodipus.


Yep, because it sure worked out like that for the live action version!

I love the Tick as well, but the show was really starting to drag in season 3. I would have liked for Fox to change out the writing pool or something other than cancel it outright, however.

Saturday Mornings are dead now anyway, best that the Tick die off during the good ol' days before these dark times...


I thought Season 3 was pretty good, but that's probably just because I'm a big fan of the Arthur/Carmalita relationship. I wish the show had gotten past more than just their first kiss. I'd have liked to hear them actually say "I love you" to each other.

But I suppose that's what fan fiction is for.


The suits understood the live action version even less. Like the line in the first episode "Java Devil! You are now my bitch!". That is not the Tick. That is not how the Tick should talk. Ben Edlund fought against that line, but the network demanded that lines like that stayed.

We can't stop here! This is Bat-country!


No he didn't.


The show was in fact cancelled in Season 3, and for a very good reason: the writers were officially OUT of ideas. Well you gotta hand it to them, at least THEY admit it, which is more than I can say for the writers of TV shows today.


Then what about all the talk about epsiodes in which The Tick and Arthur move in with Carmelita and Barry is revealed to be her brother? Why didn't they just make those episodes before it got cancelled? I've checked around the Internet and found some ideas for Season 4 episodes, and it sounded like the show was only going to get funnier. Speak would speak again, and Little Wooden Boy would be mentioned.

I heard it was cancelled because Fox kept changing it's airtime without warning.


Alright. That's just the way I heard it.



Yes, but alas, it's not to be. Unless someone tries resurrecting the series now, probably on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, this ruining the entire aspect of the series and making it another Harvey Birdman. Oh no!



I'd like to know who Tick and Arthur really are. I expect the Tick is not of this world, and Arthur, underneath the moth, he's a regular Joe. But we never see his face. One time we saw him without a majority of his costume on, so it's fun to think of what they might look like underneath.


The final season was only made because comedy cetral co-produced it for their weekend cartoon block called the cube...this was before adult swim and aired...Dr. Katz, South Park, Dilbert, Bob & Margaret, Clercks animated, etc.

Since Comedy Central was helping them they tried to make it a little more adult, I assume Comedy central had to much on their plate and wouldn't agree to finance year 4 s Fox cancled it to save $$$.


YEah... season 3 does seem slightly more adult. I remember when t"That Moustache Feeling" first aired.

Choose your signature quotes carefully…. They could be misinterpreted (you moron).- drwho


They had an entire comic book series worth of ideas

Choose your signature quotes carefully…. They could be misinterpreted (you moron).- drwho


"They had an entire comic book series worth of ideas"

It was probably all a question of money and ratings. Plus there are some things you can put in print that you can't put on screen.


I was disappointed when it ended but the video game cheered me up.
