MovieChat Forums > Twilight Zone: Rod Serling's Lost Classics (1994) Discussion > Attempted to Revive the Series for the 1...

Attempted to Revive the Series for the 1990s [TV Terrors]

Never heard of this one. On Amazon Prime.

Back in 1994 we were granted a look at a new “Twilight Zone” property entitled “Rod Serling’s Lost Classics.” Although Serling was sadly long gone by that time, CBS took it upon themselves to take the pair of apparently “lost” Serling tales and package them as an anthology TV movie with Richard Matheson writing. Perhaps it would have led to a new take on the series? Who knows? The legend goes that Carol Serling, the widow of the late TV writer, discovered the pair of stories told here after Serling’s death in 1975.

“The Twilight Zone: Rod Serling’s Lost Classics” came and went without much fanfare in 1994 and is mainly known by the fan base as one of the many efforts to breathe new life into the property. All things said, even if you’ve never seen this before, I’d recommend it mainly for those who consider themselves part of the hardcore fan base; you’re just much better off with the original series, or even the 1985 reboot.
