Karol was a POS

I hated Karol. He had no morals, he did everything out of his screwed-up love for Dominique. I am not sure we are or aren't supposed to sympathize with him, but I did not like him at all. He deserved to be treated that way by his wife. What made him completely dislikeable was framing Dominique and putting her in Prison (how did that even happen by the way? There was no proof that she did it).

That ending was supposed to be some sort of Count of Monte Cristo sort of revenge we are supposed to enjoy, but I did not enjoy it at all. Dominique threatened Karol with the police but I don't think she actually called them. The ending hardly makes them "equal."


Were we supposed to enjoy his revenge? I didn't.

Of course, I thought his scheme was to get her to fall in love with him not get her arrested, so it came out of the blue (or perhaps the white?) for me.

Yeah, he was a rotter, though.
