MovieChat Forums > Speed (1994) Discussion > "There's enough C-4 on this thing...

"There's enough C-4 on this thing... put a hole in the world."

I'm sure this has been discussed before, apologies, but THAT line just no. And I say this as an avid "SPEED" lover. I am not a HUGE action movie fan, but I do think this is a great movie. I am willing to completely suspend my disbelief for the bus jumping to the other side of the unfinished freeway, cos...well cos it is awesome, but that one line - I hate it. Anyone else?

Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.


All of these lines fit perfectly in to place. A cheesy exaggerated threat with a blunt truth. Except a hole in the world is a perfectly true statement. You put that charge on basically anything that isn't some advanced expensive as hell material and it will indeed put a whole in the world.

I think the idea is that he's got enough explosive on that bus to overkill, blow the *beep* out of it. That's what I always thought, since I was 5.
