MovieChat Forums > Speed (1994) Discussion > "There's enough C-4 on this thing...

"There's enough C-4 on this thing... put a hole in the world."

I'm sure this has been discussed before, apologies, but THAT line just no. And I say this as an avid "SPEED" lover. I am not a HUGE action movie fan, but I do think this is a great movie. I am willing to completely suspend my disbelief for the bus jumping to the other side of the unfinished freeway, cos...well cos it is awesome, but that one line - I hate it. Anyone else?

Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.


I was watching this the other day with someone who had never seen it and I was justifying a bunch of stuff and doing pretty well but then that line came up and I was just like "yeah I'm not even gonna try that was just a bad line".


I take it you've never spoken to a mid-90s 20-something Southern California resident. That line felt completely in place.


^Yeah brah, it rings true. Keanu possibly came up with that line himself. :D

You want something corny? You got it!


Yeah it was pretty gay - they could have thought of and used a more powerful description.

Even - "There's enough C-4 on this thing to put one gigantic hole in the world" or someting like that.


Yeah, that was pretty lame.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


That and "Mister, I'm already there" (when they're chasing Payne after the elevator drop).

Just no.


@slushfund Really, you hated that line? Well, you're not the only one, others on this thread don't like it either.

But that's one of my favorite lines in the movie. It makes me imagine a satellite photo of Earth with a crater in it where the bus would've blown up. Jack was exaggerating to make a point, which is why I love it.


Nothing wrong with that line. Just watched it again and it was a good scene.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Sim--" - Frank Grimes




Well considering the bus blows up anyway. I know it was an exaggeration, but still.
