Best Line in the film

Its funny when Stallone throws that bloke out of the bus window and says to woman "There appears to be a vacancy". It has me in stitches every time.


at the end when all the police are storming Ray's hideout and Ned walks casually through all the cops running around and says to himself "nice sneak attack"

also when's he's with the traumitized parking garage attendent kid. "who gave you permission to smile? Shut up!"

all his other great lines have been mentioned already. Jimmy Woods is one of those actors who's always the best thing in the movies he's in

Ho! Ha ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!


This thread has me cracking up! This movie is full of great lines. But I have to go with "Get out of here. Get a new shirt".


"It's packed in Monopoly boxes!"
