MovieChat Forums > The Santa Clause (1994) Discussion > Charlie is not to old to believe in Sant...

Charlie is not to old to believe in Santa!

What is he, like 6? That is so not too old to be believing in Santa! I was 9 when I found out, and I think that's a good age, and I know Charlie is no where near that old. 6 is the prime age for Santa-believing. You can't just take that away from a child so young.

The midget I'm dating could be my daughter! ~Denny Crane


I can't remember the age I think I was older than 10. I do remember at first I was convinced Santa isn't real now but he was real hundreds of years ago.

Come visit my


I would guess he is 6 years old or about that age, but we don't really know how old he is supposed to be. And next every family is different on how old it too old for a kid to believe. I know that in the movie Neal says "he is a little old", and you remember in the beginning of the movie, Charlie already doesn't believe in Santa, and he tells his father he thinks it is kid of babyish to believe in that kind of stuff. And also remember that Neal revels that he was only 3 years old when he stopped believing because he wanted a whistle for that Christmas, and it came and no whistle. And Laura couldn't even believe it. And also keep in mind, that Laura reveled to Scott, that Charlie came home in tears because some kids told him there was no such thing as Santa Claus. And he might have been too young to hear that, and not even from somebody that is not a relative.


A childhood friend made a comment one December when I was about 8/9 that made me question the existence of Santa and almost a year later I asked my mother outright and, after being stunned lol, she admitted the truth and I just said "Ok". I have a sister 5 years younger and I kept up the act every year until she was 11 and I did it with passion, it was fun to pretend

Even now in my 20's my mother still sometimes signs the odd present with "From Santa"

I love Christmas!

It’s immortality, my darlings


when i was in 7th grade my dad decided to finally tell me. Which is good he finally did, cause i argued with kids a lot in elementary school that Santa was real xD *facepalm* he told me too late i guess. that was in 2006-07ish


He's about eight, or at least the actor playing him is. I am not sure how old the character is supposed to be, but I'm assuming he's between the ages of 6-8. The actor was born in 1986 and this movie came out in 1994. Anyway, no he definitely isn't too old to believe in Santa. I was born the same year, and I know I believed in Santa still when this movie came out. I stopped believing at age 11. Although my sister and I let my mom believe we still believed until we were teens. She had more fun than we did I think with it, and plus more presents.


I never believed in Santa.


He's definitely not too old at all! I remember I found out when I was 11 or 12 and I was so sad. My mom and I had just put my brother to sleep and she asked me if I wanted to help her wrap and put out the presents from Santa and fill the stockings. I was so shocked that I just said no, then went into my room and cried for like ten minutes. Apparently my mom had no clue that I still believed.

Looking back on it now, I feel like I was a little too old to still believe but at the same time, I think it's okay. Believing in Santa was fun.

This is my signature.


Santa wasn't really a big thing in my family. We're a Christian family and my mom and dad taught us that the 25th was Christ's birthday. That being said, we still watched the Christmas specials and they would add in some presents that were from "Santa". When I have kids of my own, I'll probably do the same thing. But back to the original topic since I've gotten off track, I agree that Charlie wasn't too old to believe.

I don't think more electricity is what this guy really needs. Just throwin' it out there.


I stopped believing at age 5 because my older brother showed me the place my parents had hidden the presents.

"1-800 Spank me? I know that number." Scott Calvin, The Santa Clause.


He's kinda at the right age to believe in Santa + he's a kid and kids do have their own imagination as well
