MovieChat Forums > Gensomaden Saiyuki (2003) Discussion > Who's your favorite character?

Who's your favorite character?

GOKU!!!!!!!! Goku is the coolest character EVER!!!! He's the funniest, strongest, coolest, youngest (I don't think he's 18, he looks 15 to me), and so much more that I wouldn't have enough room to write!! Goku is so cool!!!


Me: I love Sanzo >looks dreamily into the distance<

Sanzo: Oh brother... >flicker of annoyance<

Me: >hugs him< Why won't you return my love?!

Sanzo: Niyh! Jesus, I didn't even see you move!

Me: >not letting go< I gathered by your expression >winks<

Sanzo: >rolls eyes< Would you kindly get off me?

Me: >thinks< No

Sanzo: >about to reach for paper fan< Actually... I kinda like this

Me: >goes red and pulls away< Oh... uh...

Sanzo: >pulls me to hug him again<

Me: >hugs back and makes mental note never to shower again... okay, maybe not EVER again, but still!<


GOKU, GOKU, GOKU, GOKU!!!!!! if he was real I would so go out with him I love him so much and we act just alike I love my Gokky (I just had 2 monsters in a row) WHOOOOOOO!!!!!

Sokka:Hey,we're in enemy territory. Those are enemy birds.-Avatar Book 3 Chapter 2 The Headband



all of the main characters are my favs lol :D

but mainly sanzo lol
