Funniest Scene?

I just saw this movie for the first time, I was jonesing for some classic Leary after getting addicted to Rescue Me over the past several months. What do you think is the funniest scene? For me, it has to be when everyone is sitting around the dinner table with the wreaths and lit candles on their heads, and then later when Caroline is sloshed and her wreath is crooked and some of the candles are out.

"Ahoy there! Ahoy there! Ahoy, cock-a-doodley there!"


Honey, if you ever follow through on ANYTHING, I'll put MY dick in my ear.


I love every minute of this movie. It's hard to pick just one, but I think the one part I laugh harder than any other is:

"Is it possible for you to shut the *beep* up for 10 seconds?"
"Lloyd! How dare you talk to my like that in my own house!"
"You know what Mom? You know what I'm gonna get you next year for Christmas? A big wooden cross so that every time you feel unappreciated you can climb up there and nail yourself to it."

Let me make clear that I love my mother with every fiber of my heart, but I just love that scene. I think it's funny as hell. It's like we all know someone like that in our lives who are dramatic and conceited...especially when they come within our own families.


My favorite part is when Kevin Spacey goes off and hits the Christmas tree.


Those candle wreaths get me every single time! But everything Leary says, and everything Christine Baranski says run a close second and third.
