MovieChat Forums > My Girl 2 (1994) Discussion > Vada got her ears pierced but......

Vada got her ears pierced but......

I was very young when I saw the movie in the theaters, but I do recall when she got her ears pierced it actually showed her going in and having it done. And when I bought the soundtrack (at the time on cassette) there was a picture in there of him piercing them. However, I own the movie and that scene is not there. Did they take it out when it came out on video or am I totally imagining that whole scene based on the picture? I am soooo confused.


The booklet contained in the "My Girl 2" soundtrack features photos of two scenes not in the Theatrical Cut. They include a scene in which Vada and Nick eat Hot Dogs at a park and the other includes a scene in which we actually get to see Vada get her ear peirced instead of just hearing about.

Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.


hmmmm i still only own the video and I never recall that scene mine just has vad and nick walking into the piercing shop


So I know this is YEARS after the OP posted this, but yes, you are correct. In the original trailer for My Girl 2, it did show Vada actually getting her ears pierced and while they were piercing, she says: "I have a very high threshold for pain." I know it was 16 years ago, but i distinctly remember this. I have a freakishly good photographic memory when it comes to movies. And I hate when they show something in the trailer and then cut it out of the actual film.

Hope that helps!


A lot of scenes are shot during the making of a film and some even get used in the trailer. What happens is that during the editing process, scenes are added or deleted depending on if they enhance the narrative. I suppose they decided that the scene showing her getting her ears pierced slowed down the narrative and just showing her entering the store and then coming out with her ears pierced gave the audience all they needed to know. The dialog earlier on about getting her ears pierced set up the sequence.


As another poster mentioned, it may have been in the trailer. I know it's in the novelization of the film. Maybe you read the book or someone read it to you? At any rate, the scene in the book is cool because when she goes into the shop and the man piercing her ears asks her to choose what earrings she wants, Vada points out these dangly ones. He tells her she has to have simple studs. So then later when Nick gives her the dangly earrings as a present, it's more meaningful (he didn't just buy her any earrings; he went back to that shop and got her the ones she wanted.) Wish they'd kept it in the film/video.


I would say it was in the trailer only cause I remember a scene in the bowling ally when Vada mentioned getting an apartment then Harry fell into the lane. in the movie he dropped the ball behind him.


There are more scenes filmed than what makes it to the final cut. That scene may have very well been filmed but ended up on the cutting room floor. It's not that uncommon for a scene to be in the trailer, but not the film itself, so a still on the soundtrack wouldn't be that unusual.

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


I just finished watching My Girl 2 after not having seen it in many years on a streaming platform and on the main page for it is the very scene where Vada gets her ears pierced with a needle.

It definitely was not in the movie I just watched as I looked away for a second after they walked in to the shop and when I looked back they were walking along the street. I even rewound it to make sure I didn't miss it.

I saw it at the cinema when it came out but can't remember if it was actually included or not.
