MovieChat Forums > Little Women (1994) Discussion > Anyone else think it must have sucked BI...

Anyone else think it must have sucked BIGTIME to live during late 1800?

I mean jesus. The man was barely allowed to look at any of the girls. The most action he got was to drag them on a sleigh. I know this is a movie, but don't producers/directors/etc do major history study before making movies based on old time periods?

I swear if I were him I'd be smoking opium and sht. Also how does a male our age resist getting teased by a Wynona Rider in her best years ??? It must have SUCKED to resist that. I'd jump out the f window and destroy her. Wouldn't care if she was wearing a 5 foot potato sack.

Drop me a line and tell me how the hell you are



You kind of creep me out.

Expiration dates are mere suggestions! Like late fees and traffic lights.


Yeah, the men of that era really had it rough... unlike the women...

"Why is it that every time I need to get somewhere I get waylaid by jackassery?"


Yeah, just having to work 72 hours a week to support your family, go to war and get maimed or killed, and stuff like that was easy compared to not being able to vote.


No I have a wonderful husband who understands proper courtship like the men of that time. Sadly so many young men of today do not respect women. My goal in life is to raise children who are respectful of the opposite sex. Laurie got to know the girls very well as human beings versus sexual objects. That's the only way to develop a true love. A love that is beyond the physical is the only one that will last.

I will hold the Christ light for you. One Bread, One Body


You creep me out also.

There were reasons for the manners of the day and you seem to young or too dense to get that. Women very often died in childbirth. Dating and marriage was very often approved of by the father before anyone got together or professed any interest in someone. A girl could lose her reputation and public respect by just having a man look at her the wrong way. That could lead her to living the rest of her life in poverty to the point of starvation. Property was only in the hands of men. Only men could get paying jobs most of the time. And these characters are from the proper class and they were Quakers or a church similar. And I am not even up on all the details.


The Alcotts were not Quakers.


I actually feel like living in the 1800's would be a lot better than living in today's world. The women back then didn't have this "hey look at me" attitude and try to be slutty like they do today. Likewise, the men had more decency on how to treat women instead of looking at them as sex objects like they do now. Back then nobody ran around having sex with whoever they wanted to then bragged about it to anyone that was around. There was no TV, internet, cell phones, etc. that blocked everyone from spending time with each other and being oblivious of the world like people are now. There were no major wars (by that I mean army tanks, atomic bombs, etc.) and last but not least everyone knew how to dress and act when they were going out of the house. I doubt very seriously people were walking around in skin tight, barley nothing clothing or with their pants sagging and showing their underwear while everyone was cussing just because they thought it was cute/funny
