This movie isn't a classic but 4.5/10.


I agree. I liked this movie very much, and think that everyone did an excellent job. It was well written, with so many subtle gags that I missed many the first time I watched it. I also thought the casting was good. I loved them all, including Rosie.

The main thing is that them made it look believable, like people could actually live that way. Also the cars looked totally real.

I've probably watched it 4 or 5 times, and will again.


Totally underrated. While critics love to bash this live-action version of “The Flintstones” and the rating at IMDb is surprisingly low, the movie was a huge hit in 1994 and fittingly so because this is a great movie for what it is and far better than any of the cartoons. Speaking of which, this explains why “The Flintstones” is such easy prey to incessant panning – it’s a movie based on a cartoon. So freaking what? The question is, does it work for what it is and the answer is a resounding “yes”! Movies should be critiqued and graded according to what they are and aspire to achieve. For instance, "Godzilla" is a colossal-creature movie and should be reviewed on that level. Compared to the original "Apocalypse Now" it's dreck, but how does it stack-up to other gigantic-monster movies? It’s the same thing with “The Flintstones.”

My 150 (or so) favorite movies:


That is pretty low. I enjoy the movie. It isn't a classic but I do find it funny in parts. I just question the plot. It seems like a movie about corporate corruption and embezzlement is better suited to adults than children.


To love another person is to see the face of God! - Les Miserables


This movie isn't a classic but 4.5/10.

Lol agreed. It wasn't THAT bad. Granted I was a tiny child when I saw it, but I liked it. I liked Kyle Maclachlan's acting too.

Too bad this movie and Showgirls killed his career for a good while.
