MovieChat Forums > Dolores Claiborne (1995) Discussion > From a man's point of view.

From a man's point of view.

As a guy, I gotta say this movie gave me the chills. Now I'm not an abusive husband, and I think Dolores' husband got what he deserved. But the conversations between Kathy Bates and Judy Parfitt were *beep* scary!
The movie really brought home that old saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Those dialogues show an aspect of a woman that we guys tend to forget or ignore. I think most women marry with certain basic expectations, and when those expectations are ripped apart as they were by David Strathairn we see an aspect in these women that we guys just don't want to see. It's not a blind rage, it's a cold, calculating anger. It's the anger that comes when there is nothing else left, summed up in the quote "Sometimes being a bitch, is all a woman has to hang too."
As I said I'm not abusive or anything but my wife and I do argue, but everytime I watch this movie I think "Damn, maybe I should just let her win the fight."



What is this? Your comment is pure misandry and woman-praising. Oh, whenever a woman murders, it MUST be because a MAN has treated her so bad! She never has any other choice, the poor thing - let's all always sympathize the women-murderers, they are such good people!

Are you out of your mind? Have you no decency? Men are good people. Women-murderers should be treated like murderers, not like some divine creatures who can do no wrong!

I am sick of these misandristic movies that always portray men as evil, and women as good - eventhough the women are murderers or whatnot. It's sickening.

Just reverse the genders in this movie to see my point - would have been much more of a 'horror' movie to most people, if they ever saw a man even talk to a woman the way that old hag talked to the 'evil husband' caricature.

You really think this movie is something to look up to, enough to change your behaviour towards your wife? Because woman-murderers are so cool, you should simply always give up and "let her win"?

You are really a pure mangina, there's no doubt about that. Your comment is not from a man's point of view - it's from a typical profeminist "white-knighting"-asskisser's point of view, in the hopes that women would see how you are praising and defending them and you could earn some nice pats on your head.

Would you really be saying the same things about men, if the genders in this movie were reversed? Would you, really?

Would you be willing to think that women should just let men win the fights? (Not that women have much choice, because in a REAL fight, women couldn't hold a candle to men - they would lose pretty much every fight - except maybe against people like you - who might not really be who you claim to be anyway, "dedpug" (whatever that means). There was this muscle-hag who called herself "the strongest woman in the world", who decided to go to a bar and arm wrestle some men. She won the first drunken douche, but the second random barguy beat her easily (in arm wrestling). So much for women's "power".

If this movie really sends such a message and makes people think like you do, then this movie is evil, and pure misandry as such. There will be a time when men will be acknowledged as human beings who shouldn't be insulted, despised, laughed at, made to look like fools (or evil) in movies and TV shows. And how barbaric this age and people like you will look then.. I can only hope you will have learned the decency to feel shame by then. Because if you have, you will be in AGONY.

Misery is a good movie, because it shows that women can be evil and merciless, and a MAN is shown as victim, and the audience is supposed to cheer for him for once. What a rare treat - can you name other movies like that? I bet you can't.

But this piece of *beep* reverses all that good progress and reverts back to the usual, typical misandry. The stereotype of an evil boozehound of a worker man (who the wife CHOSE - but this is never explored - why didn't the wife choose a good, boozeless man? Take some responsibility for your stupid choices, bitch!) is so tired, that it almost comes as a shock to see hollywood still using it in such a modern movie. It's really stupid, it's really insulting, and it's really misandry.

Man-hating movies like this should be openly despised, and comments like yours should be shown for the propaganda and misandry they represent. A hate-crime, really.


I have to assume here that you're being ironic.

No one could seriously bellow the charge of misandry as many times as you have while your entire comment and affect SCREAMS misogyny.

If satire, OK, but not that clear. If not, wow, just wow....




I have to assume here that you're being ironic.

No one could seriously bellow the charge of misandry as many times as you have while your entire comment and affect SCREAMS misogyny.

If satire, OK, but not that clear. If not, wow, just wow....

"In Order to Raise Children with Equality, we Must Take Them Away From Families and Communually Raise Them"
Dr Mary Jo Bane - yet another feminist speaking her mind.

"Destroy the family, and you destroy society" Vladimir Lenin- marxist ditator.

And remember, you're a misogynistic pig if you disagree with her.

"The Male is a Domestic Animal Which, If Treated with Firmness... can be Trained to do Most Things."

Jilly Cooper, just another feminist speaking her mind..

And remember, you're a misogynist if you disagree with her & her kind.

I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig.--Andrea Dworkin Just another feminist speaking openly

And remember, you're a misogynist if you disagree with her.

"We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men" Just an every-day feminist, speaking her mind.--Elizabeth Cady Stanton

And remember, you're a misogynist if you disagree with the likes of her

"The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race" Just an every-day feminist, speaking her mind.--Sally Miller Gearhart


And remember, you're a misogynist if you disagree with the likes of her.

I'm also wondering where all the 'moderate' feminists are, you know, the ones who disagree with the mentality of the above iconic feminist. Where are all the blogs disagreeing or countering her words?

Maybe they hide away and then throw the odd comment around like they do on IMBD!

Be Careful when the wife/gf ect goes against the grain and starts being nice you all of sudden...


Yes, post the most nutbag examples of feminism to decry the entire movement.

How about you post some Fred Phelps quotes to denigrate all of Christianity while you're at it? Oh, who am I kidding? You probably agree with that "moderate" nutbag.


Your entire post reeks of the kind of guy who hangs around at the beach, videotaping gorgeous women with their men, while you mutter under your breath, "Why can't I have her? He doesn't deserve her, I do."

Shine on, you crazy butthurt MRA diamond.


I'd just like to say that if you use words and phrases like mangina and white-knighting, you are basically holding a giant poster over your head that reads, "I don't wish to be taken seriously."

Troll harder next time.

I'll give you consolation points for not using feminazi, though.


I found it more chilling to hear the story of Lorena Bobbit and what she did. That teaches you to never go to bed angry. I wouldn't agree to always let a woman win a fight in an argument, but I do agree that you shouldn't abuse a woman, and you shouldn't molest your kids. Also, it is always good to pick your battles, some arguments are not important enough to win.

Come visit my


Domestic violence is getting worse for both sexes. I can only suggest that everyone be very aware of who they are rushing into a relationship with. At the first sign of nasty behaviour--get the hell out of Dodge.



Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


I had little sympathy for Vera Donovan. Yes, her husband cheated on her but divorce court should have been the preferable avenue to solve her dilemma. I understood and agreed with Dolores. If I ever molested either one of my daughter's, I couldn't say that my wife would be wrong in killing me. Vera may have been a woman scorned but Dolores was a woman protecting her child and no one could say that she didn't have justification.


I felt less sympathetic towards the Vera character because she would have had some money and had options after divorce and her husband might have been mentally abusive and adulterous but he wasn't the monster that Deloris husband was. But I thought the movie showed that Deloris did not have those options. As Vera pointed out, wherever she would go, he would find her and the daughter.

As we saw in the bank, the island was a man's world and she would get little or no protection there. As many abused women can tell you, restraining orders are worthless in the best of cases and the time nor the place was a good case. When Deloris husband wacked her with a board on her back, catching her by surprise, that was way beyond some "argument." I don't think Deloris was feeling cold calculating anger, actually she was conflicted as it showed in her hesitation. She was in survival mode, forced there by her situation, the community, her husband, and love for her daughter.

I thought the saying about "Sometimes being a bitch, is all a woman has to hang on to" was brilliant and it really resonates through the movie but is was ironic because it was the men who were unfair, abusive and cruel. Remember where bitch really comes from, a mother dog in fierce, protective mode to safeguard her babies.


"I think Dolores' husband got what he deserved."

No one in his right mind can challenge that. She sure put up with A LOT until she found out he was diddling the daughter, and Vera gave her MUCH NEEDED advice and opportunity (the afternoon off).

"But the conversations between Kathy Bates and Judy Parfitt were *beep* scary!"

Why? It was totally believable considering the kind of woman Vera was. If anything it showed Vera was at heart a good woman (caring for her maid enough to intimate her crime and encourage her to do the same). If that bid scares you you're in for a nightmare if you knew half the things women talk between them.

"but everytime I watch this movie I think "Damn, maybe I should just let her win the fight.""

You're going too far. The main message is "woman will take a lot of abuse but one push too many will unleash hell". It's simply knowing what lines not to cross. Raping your daughter is clearly one of them. Nobody here killed the hubby over a game of poker.


Don't mess with her cub. Dolores put up with a lot of *beep* but when it came to finding out he was touching Selena she tried to take her away. Her husband thought she would just take it *beep* like she always did before, he was wroooong.


Don't molest her cub and you'll be fine. Dolores put up with a lot and it was unhealthy to stay. Only after she found out her daughter was being abused did she consider leaving. Very disfunctional all around.
