Underrated movies

It's too bad people buy into all the hatred for Cabin Boy.

Movies that get crapped on but should get more respect:

Dirty Work
Almost Heros
Cabin Boy
The Cable Guy

Feel free to add more




It's beyond underrated, bro. This is my #1 all time for watching while high. It's hysterical.


I would add Things To Do in Denver When You 're Dead as an underrated and little known movie that's worth watching. It's got some comedy and drama elements, but not a straight up comedy. It's a great film.


I would add Zardoz (1974).


I bought this on dvd only because i remember David Letterman used to laugh about how he was in it. So i had to see if it was good or bad. I was surprised it wasn't bad at all and was so random it was funny. It also had a weird mix of actors in it which you don't usually see together.

Oh man, oh man, do I hate them fancy lads!

And all those movies you mention OP, totally love each one of them also: UHF
Dirty Work, Almost Heroes, Cabin Boy, The Cable Guy.... and pretty much anything with Chris Farley is gold.


I agree with your entire list except Almost Heroes, which was not very good in my opinion, but which was not terrible either.
