MovieChat Forums > Airheads (1994) Discussion > 'All those blowjobs for nothing.'

'All those blowjobs for nothing.'

I saw this movie when it first came out and I've watched it thousands of times since. Am I the only one who missed that line for 17 years?


It's always been there but it's easy to miss because it's quietly said and obviously cut when aired on TV


I was literally going to post the same thing. I have also seen this movie nearly a dozen times and just noticed it for the first time last night. I started bursting out laughing, which I don't really do with this movie anymore since I've seen it so many times. But I'm so glad I caught that.


Am actually seeing it now for the very first time on NetFlix, and heard it right away...

Must depend on your mindset ;-) haha


Yeah it took me a good 10 viewings before I noticed it. She says it very quietly.

I first saw it when I was about 12. I probably didn't notice it until I was about 16/17, after I'd damn-near worn out the disc with repeated viewings.


It's funny because she just answers the phone, that's a lot of blow jobs for that job.


It was the funniest line in the movie. So subtle.

I mean, I could give you singles if the plan is to make it rain at the Lobster Box.


Holy *beep* I've been watching that on and off since it came out and I never once caught that line... I just put it on today and heard it and I know I still wouldn't've had I not come across this thread first..

If life gives you MELONS, then you probably have DYSLEXIA.
