MovieChat Forums > The Vicar of Dibley (1994) Discussion > Disappointed in Xmas ep - SPOILERS

Disappointed in Xmas ep - SPOILERS

I just watched the Christmas episode and was very disappointed in the horribly cliched plotline. Rosie turns out to be Harry's sister? Who didn't see that coming a mile away? And who in their right mind proposes after less than a week?

They had how long to come up with this storyline? I've come to expect more from British sitcoms because unlike here in the US, they do far fewer episodes and have a lot of time to write them.

I realize that this is a sitcom and MANY things about the series are unrealistic and often ridiculous but they could have come up with something much better than what they did. At the very least they could have skipped ahead in time a bit after Geraldine met Harry.

The episode was definitely amusing and had some great scenes but the ridiculous marriage plot that seemed crow-barred in was cringeworthy and left me feeling embarrased (it wasn't as bad as the episode where Geraldine let the baby fall in her kitchen but then, that's not saying much).


To those who say that it would be out of character for Geraldine to accept Harry's proposal so soon, I don't think so. Wasn't she ready to accept the producer's marriage proposal in the Christmas Lunch episode? It's another story that he wasn't actually proposing, only asking Geraldine to marry him and his fiancée but though Geraldine was surprised she said "yes" without hesitation.
The proposal in this final episode mirrors that proposal, only now Geraldine gets the man. I thought it was a good idea to point back to that very funny episode.


Good point Ripley, I have read through this thread and it's like nobody has watched the whole series, they see a couple of episodes and then this episode and come out with a load of rubbish that. The whole point is that Geri is sad and desperate to meet Mr. Right, she has been like that all the way through and suddenly she does and people are saying it is out of character.

Yes the ending was daft but please tell me which bits of the show were not daft?

People should have to either pass an IQ test or something to prove they have actually watched (and understood) enough of a program to qualify for comment.

VOD is one of the Top 10 comedies ever produced worldwide and possibly the best British Comedy ever and even against some extremely stiff competition it would hold it's own. It only came second to "Only Fools and Horses" in a poll a few years back and I think it s better than OFAH by a distance. The only thing that could beat it, in my opinion, is Porridge.
God Bless you Geraldine, I hope you are still happy with Harry....



I agree, lilactime. Geraldine is sad and desperate. Just think about how she runs off to put make up on when she sees Simon for the first time at David's house. It's hilarious. She even cries that she's always the one to marry these couples and not the bride herself. It's been in a lot of episodes that she is either trying to get the guy or expresses her desire to find someone. There's nothing wrong it, imo. It makes her very real and normal.


I know a lot of people who just watched the final episodes because of Richard Armitage. A lot of the small plot details that longtime viewers of the show knew about were lost on them as was some of the humour. (I'm thinking of the puddle, the proposal etc). Moreover some felt RA was being "objectified" .... well, he was, but that's the humour .... Geraldine was always looking for her 'handsome stranger'. A shame he hasn't appeared in the subsequent Red Nose Day specials. The only detail I find hard to forgive was the changing of her first name - Boudicea - was perfect imo.


Oh, ok, that explains it. If you look at that one episode (taking it out of context, so to speak) then yeah, I can see the point the others are trying to make. But I thought it fit perfectly with the rest of the episodes and was a very good resolution to the whole series. I never saw the Red Nose Day Specials. I'll have to look for it on YouTube.


I absolutely loved Handsome Stranger and Vicar in White :-). (Time for a rematch I think). My favourite Red Nose Day Special was one with Antiques Roadshow.


I have to check out these Red Nose Day specials, I didn't even know they existed. My most favorite episodes are the ones with Simon, especially where Alice suggests that they should get a digital Simon for Gerry.  Best moment for me in the entire series.


I know a lot of people who just watched the final episodes because of Richard Armitage. A lot of the small plot details that longtime viewers of the show knew about were lost on them as was some of the humour. (I'm thinking of the puddle, the proposal etc). Moreover some felt RA was being "objectified" .... well, he was, but that's the humour .... Geraldine was always looking for her 'handsome stranger'. A shame he hasn't appeared in the subsequent Red Nose Day specials. The only detail I find hard to forgive was the changing of her first name - Boudicea - was perfect imo.

This is pretty much my entire opinion. For me it was completely in character for her to fall in love and want commitment with a guy from the second she sees him, she'd done it with every guy that's shown an interest in the whole series. She was always portrayed as a bit desperate. (But completely adorable with it)

And I loved the repeated jokes of the puddle and the proposal. That entire proposal scene had me laughing hysterically, especially when she started making the sound that she'd judged as really unrealistic. :D

And this entire thread has been awfully shallow towards overweight people. Just because someone is "conventionally" attractive by society's standards doesn't mean that they'd only be interested in someone else deemed their "physical equal". People are strange things and everyone's taste differs, taste is subjective. People need to stop thinking that their own opinion is shared by everybody else. Just because someone isn't to your taste doesn't mean they won't be liked by "Hottie Harry" /Rant
