MovieChat Forums > The Vicar of Dibley (1994) Discussion > Disappointed in Xmas ep - SPOILERS

Disappointed in Xmas ep - SPOILERS

I just watched the Christmas episode and was very disappointed in the horribly cliched plotline. Rosie turns out to be Harry's sister? Who didn't see that coming a mile away? And who in their right mind proposes after less than a week?

They had how long to come up with this storyline? I've come to expect more from British sitcoms because unlike here in the US, they do far fewer episodes and have a lot of time to write them.

I realize that this is a sitcom and MANY things about the series are unrealistic and often ridiculous but they could have come up with something much better than what they did. At the very least they could have skipped ahead in time a bit after Geraldine met Harry.

The episode was definitely amusing and had some great scenes but the ridiculous marriage plot that seemed crow-barred in was cringeworthy and left me feeling embarrased (it wasn't as bad as the episode where Geraldine let the baby fall in her kitchen but then, that's not saying much).


I'm sorry our sitcom-writing is letting you down! I want you to know the nation bows their heads in shame.

Yes, it is a tad unrealisitc, but you said it yourself, as is the nature of the show. It is the final episode (well, two), and i personally don't mind the quick wedding etc. A perfect way to end the series in my opinion, and we can't blame Curtis for liking to end things with weddings. I'm also glad Gerry is happy- the series will end on a high.

Sorry you didn't like it though

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo


I think it was stupid and rushed and I'm British. It has nothing to do with them being American, most of the people in my house who watched this episode were very disappointed. No way will she go through with this wedding, she can't, even Gerri isn't that stupid.


Unfortunately, I think Gerry will go through with the wedding. I'm all for happy endings but this marriage thing is just so out of the blue and ridiculous. It makes Gerry look pathetic and desperate.

The last series was in 1999. That's what makes this plotline so ridiculous. I realize they only have 2 main writers but they had a lot of time to think of how to end the series. It's disppointing that this is the best they could do.


Well, as much as I love the Vicar of Dibley... that ending is rubbish. I hope it has some decent jokes to make up for it.

I can bid defiance to pain...


I agree.

As I said, I think they could have come up with a much better way to end with Gerry getting married if that's what they wanted to do.

The previous plot with David deciding he loved Gerry was bizarre and out of the blue but since that was established, they could have followed up on it and developed something with David and Gerry. Don't get me wrong, those two never seemed right together but if they wanted them to end up together, they could have evolved the characters and their relationship to make it work.

If they wanted to introduce a new character like Harry for Gerry, it would have been better to start the episode with Harry and Gerry already dating.

I'm a guy. If I met some girl and less than a week after knowing her, she asked me to marry her, I would think she was nuts. Gerry is supposed to the smart, level-headed one in the village. This whole marriage thing with Harry makes her look crazier than everyone else. Gerry and Harry had two conversations, one in the restaurant and the other on a walk. And from that they are going to get married?

And not top stir up more debate, but they could have chose an actor closer to Dawn French's age. She's 49 and Armitage is 35. They could have chosen an actor better suited to play Gerry's boyfriend and who looked like he would actually be into Gerry. Sorry, but a guy who looks like Richard Armitage at age 35 most likely wouldn't be into a 49 year-old vicar like Gerry. I know that saying that not go over well with some but it's true. It would be like pairing Owen up with a young hot model.


If she had decided she liked David now after so long and a marriage proposal already- that would have been a more unbelievable plot than the current i think. The speed of the proposal is really quick, granted, however at least this fact is actually touched upon by the characters instead of them accepting it as a normal occurence (Harry must follow his heart after all; it's true love you know )
I agree with the whole age gap and shallowness that i'm sure all good-looking people have (and why should they not?...the gorgeous b@stards )- but like i've said, this is the last episode and i personally think the finale deserves to be a little 'out there' and sweet (love because of love, not looks/age/size(i'm sure some of you are thinking it))- and come on- what about Alice and Hugo's wedding? After 12 years, i'm fine with it leaving on an OTT note

Plus this a great way to oogle over Armitage- being a guy, i see how this peice of casting may not float your boat however

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo


i think it's romantic and i think curtis is trying to redeem himself with the last christmas special that made us all feel outraged for being too political

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


I think it's stupid really. I know they want a happy ending... but I think that ending is silly. I don't think those two are a good match, they look silly together. I'm just glad we'll get some new jokes in this.

I'm Delilah... what do you think when you hear my name?


I loved the Christmas special - but only because Richard Armitage was in it, and I worship the groud he walks on.

However, I did feel a bit sorry for him having to come out with all these cheesey lines. I agree that the general standard was not as high as it's been. There's silly, and then there's silly, I definitely think this was a bit far-fetched.


I mean, the least they could do is have her dating him already when he turns up, or push forwards time, or pair her up with someone who he's bumped into in the past or something. I can't see Harry and Gerri lasting long after the reaktionship... it may end with a pretty wedding but leave it to our minds and I hear divorce bells, and that's miserable for me to think about. They aren't a canon ship for me. Surely someone is going to step up and say it's too soon, I mean I know Frank, Jim, Alice and Owen are stupid (although Owen might say 'bit fast, isn't it?') and Hugo is spaced out so he'd nod along, but David has a brain, surely he'll say she seems a bit desperate to marry a man she's known less the a week.

I'm Delilah... what do you think when you hear my name?


Your first point had more merit The Apostle, rather than this last point!! Nobody blinks an eye when it's the other way around (ie older bloke, younger woman).

But I think the point to finishing off with this wedding for Gerry, rushed or not, is that she finally gets her man! God's blessing her with a fellow who's the combination of Sean Bean, Robbie Williams & Mel Gibson - the celebrities she's had major crushes on over the course of the series so as fans we're meant to be happy for her! It's wonderful! I think it ended very well & on typical Vicar-OTT style!

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


My point was that they piled one ridiculous and unbelievable scenario on top of another.

Two people meet, and after less than a week and two conversations, they decide to get married? That rarely happens.

A guy who is 35 gets together with a 49 year-old vicar? It's rare for a guy to marry a woman who is 14 years older than him.

And whether any of us like it or not, look around... how many thin, handsome guys who look like models from a Sears catalog do you see wanting to marry morbidly obese women 14 years older than them? And yes, she IS morbidly obese.

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just being realistic in terms of the world we live in.

Richard Curtis blew it with the final episodes. Why couldn't Gerry simply have met a nice guy and not pile on all the BS? They could have met, flashed-forward 6 months or so and then gotten married. Anyway, my point is that there were much better ways to end the show especially given the amount of time they had.


I see your point better now but since when has VOD been true to life?? It's way unrealistic & OTT. That's why I've aways loved it!! ;-)

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


The ending doesn't bother me I think they look sweet together and as far as odd pairings go what about Jim and the swedish sisters?

Also I wouldn't turn Richard Armitage down.


i was a little disappointed

The characters are still great, still totally love jim, owen, hugo and crew but I do feel a bit offended that we are supposed to believe and be into this marriage storyline.

And that whole sister thing, yeah we all saw it coming a mile off. But then again, if my bf called his sister 'darling' and walked around the streets with her holding hands etc, then I wud run a mile!!!!!!

It just all seems a bit silly

And Geraldine is a vicar so wud appreciate that u must take marriage vows seriously, so no way wud she agree to marry a man she barely knows

its just obviously a quickly thought up storyline to end it all once and for all but I actually wish they had left things the way they were rather than do this.

As I say, the humour is as good as ever but the storyline is just stupid

Plus I hope we see much more hugo and alice in the new year episode. There wasnt one scene of them together in the first one



I agree about the whole sister thing. It was obvious that was coming, but just going round and asking someone to marry you after not very long at all. The humour was great, but the storyline was so stupid and unbelievable that it ruined it a bit for me. If it had just ended with her getting together with Harry in the end, I wouldn't mind. She's a vicar, she should know that you have to love each other deeply, and be ready to sign a blooming legal document before you drag anyone off to church, and I don't care how hot he is... No one marries anyone after a week.

I can bid defiance to pain...


I think it would have been more interesting instead of showing Gerri and Harry having a "meet cute", to start out in media res. Show them already married or in a relationship. Or for all the fans CLAMORING for a Dibley wedding, begin with the wedding and then show them after, living their lives. The plotline they went with was really asinine, and as others have said, they've had plenty of time to come up with a spectacular ending, and this is what we got?

What if Sean Bean really DID show up to her wedding and try to break it up? That would make me laugh.


I agree with those saying that because Geraldine is a vicar, she would take marriage seriously and not rush into anything. The rushed marriage just makes her look so deperate and pathetic.

Although the humor was great, it's as though they had ideas for humorous scenes and then wrote a plot that would allow them to play out those scenes. I assume we're going to see the wedding ceremony. I'm sure they had funny ideas for those scenes and so they stretched reality beyond the breaking point to allow them to show those scenes.

I just hope the last episode doesn't make me cringe as much as the Xmas episode did.


Does it make her look desperate? How many romance films do they fall in love and get married at that sort of speed and no one questions it... and believe it or not it can and does happen that fast... don't get me wrong... I wouldn't, no way would I agree to marry someone who I only met a week ago or however long it is, but that doesn't mean it doesn't and can't happen!
As for the looks, I thought that was a really odd comment 'that he obviously wouldn't go for her'? If men only go for gorgeous then I and probably at least half of the girls on this board are doomed... the whole 'out of your league thing' is completely in people's minds... what I think is gorgeous the next person doesn't and so on... there's absolutely no reason why these two people couldn't be attracted to each other...
Okay... sorry, I'm now stepping down from my soap box!

You never know when you might need a pink flamingo in your pocket!


Do i have to bring out the Alice/Hugo wedding again? But actually, yeah- last wedding i went to, the bride walked down the aisle with her dad clad in pirate gear

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo


You make a great point. But as people have said, there is plenty of unrealistic things that happen in the show. The problem is that those things usually involve the characters who have been established as wierd and eccentric. I wouldn't expect Geraldine to rush into marriage after knowing a guy less than a week. The whole thing just seems rushed and unrealistically crammed into one episode. They really could have handled it better especially when you consider the time they've had to write and develop the plot.


I do think it makes her look desperate. It looks like she's an older woman who is so desperate to be married that she'll jump into something after knowing a guy less than a week and having a couple conversations.

You make a good point about similar things happening in romance films (which I HATE!). Those movies are bascially the same ridiculous plot over and over. I do think there are some differences between those kind of films and The Vicar of Dibley however. In the show, we've come to know Geraldine over the course of many years. She's always been the level-headed one and as was said previously, you would expect a vicar to take marriage seriously. Also, usually films don't show people meeting and getting engaged in less than a week's time. Films usually make the length of time betweeen two people meeting and getting married a bit more realistic.

The idea of Harry not going for Geraldine isn't a major gripe of mine but on top of everything else, it isn't very believable. All men don't go for the gorgeous girl just as all women don't go for the gorgeous guy but people do tend to appear to go together. Harry and Geraldine don't look like they go together. Harry and what turned out to be his sister looked like a couple. Again, I don't want to make much out of this but it does seem unusual.


Chill out people!!

It's a jokey ending to a brilliant sitcom. The whole point was for it 2 be rushed, and very predictable. It's what the audience want for Geraldine- a perfect ending/marriage to a perfect sitcom.

I can't believe your debating this.

It was brilliant end of story. Tonight's episode summed the whole thing up! The Vicar of Dibley is GREAT and will be missed greatly!!


I'm afraid I disagree with all of you nay-sayers. Your main argument seems to be the fact that they are marrying so quickly after hardly knowing each other. Well I fail to see how this matters. Ignoring the fact that to start with this TV show is one that requires a certain suspension of disbelief to watch, this sort of thing does in fact also happen in real life. Just because none of you have ever got married after such a short space of time and you don't know anyone that has, does not mean that there are not many people in the world that have. I personally know of one such couple who were married within weeks of meeting one another and have been happy together for several years.

I personally enjoyed these specials and found them to be both entertaining and funny, as well as being a fitting way to end the series.


I think you lot are reading into it far too much. It's just TV!! Some of the most classic comedy is unrealistic.... Del and Rodney and the 'Victorian Egg Timer' in Only Fools. That is such a wonderfully funny episode, but so unrealistic.

I love the Vicar of Dibley and even though it has only been on our screens on and off for the past 6 years as opposed to an actual series, I still love it. They didn't do it to death and that is why it works.

Some comedy they can do to death and it just ruins everything. Fawlty Towers, a brilliant British sitcom, only ran for 12 episodes. I think these final episodes have been very good, not the best, but still good. Quit complaining.


After really disliking last year's episodes, I loved the Christmas episode and was really looking forward to tonight's... But, I have to say - while it had it's moments - I was rather disappointed... Yes - what with it being the last ever episode, there was no doubt the wedding would go ahead... But, it just seemed predictable and lacking in magic... I did laugh... But, it could have been better.

I just got done taming a wild honeymoon stallion for you guys.


What a bitter disappointment these last 2 "Wedding" episodes were to finally put the series to bed.There were only a few "highs"-,unlike all the early episodes which were all consistently brilliant.Did the writers think that all the characters as they got older were going to stoop to using bad language and sexual innuendos(which were NEVER used early on)?.The cast deserved a better send off than this from the writers.The dream sequence of Geraldine miming(Tina Turner?)was very funny,but ,all in all,what a major let-down.I watch these series repeats regulary,but I shant be watching this swan-song again........


The problem was that they changed her name in the second part. Geraldine is her middle name! Not happy about the lack of continuity there.


I agree! Wasn't Boudica Geraldine's real first name? I was looking forward to it being referenced, instead, I was quite dismayed at such a poor joke (Geraldine Julie Andrews Dick van Dyke supercalyfragilisticexpialidocious chim-chiminey chim-chiminey chim-chim-cheeeree) being shown. I did love, however, when she had to dive back into the extraordinarily deep puddle again, along with the Apocalypse Now reference.


Never mind the lack of continuity, having that ridiculous Mary Poppins/Chitty Chitty Bang Bang middle name was such a forced attempt at getting a laugh that it fell flat on it's face, as did most of the jokes in the 2 parter. I think I laughed about twice during both episodes, both were due to Alice of course who's always been the best character, but even she seems too knowing and smutty now. They also made David far too nice, I liked when his character had a bit of bite, in these episodes he was completely in thrall to the Vicar just like the rest of them which was disappointing. But I guess he's gone down hill ever since he proposed to the Vicar, although that episode was far better than these. I think it was summed up when they re-used the whole Vicar in the huge puddle gag in the Xmas episode- they couldn't come up with anything new so they harked back to an old gag which was hilarious, spontaneous and got loads of laughs. And don't even get me started on the whole wedding, it was so twee and oh-look-aren't-we-funny it was unbelievable. Very disappointing.

Oh sorry for the length of this rant but one thing- someone before mentioned the age difference. I disagree, though the rest of the Geraldine/Harry relationship was completely false and unrealistic, I think Dawn French looks a lot younger than 49 and in fact she and Richard Armitage look quite compatible age wise.


I thought the first episode of it was funny, it was very typical of the older episodes and that type of humour. However I thought the second installment was absolute rubbish, really embarrassing I was cringing as I watched parts, thinking "my god, Richard Curtis wrote this?!?!"

It's a real shame as well because Dawn French and the other cast members (including the guest spot by Richard Armitage) are all extremely talented but their acting ability was wasted, let down by cheap laughs and a truly awful script.

Shame, i'm such a huge fan of the older episodes :(

*I saw in your eyes that you hate the world, I hate it too...*


right just to say i loved it and to also say to who ever said that Gerry was meant to be level headed, maybe the country bumpkiness of everyone in Dibley rubbed off on her and she see's harry as an Oasis of normality in the odd inbred world of Dibley

Captain of The Black Lilly Rose
Deck Swabber of The Green Serpent


I think Alice stole the show personally. The pine wedding dress had my in hysterics. But I did find a lot of it was quite predictable. At least it was a reasonably fast moving plot. I think, as a finale, people just wanted to see something sentimental and a happy ending.


I loved the pine dress! And the beard...
I thought the thing with his sister was much to predictable: it was obviously his sister or a friend, and also, did he not realise how it would look to Gerry? They were both being quite stupid... on the other hand it is a comedy and realism isnt exactly its main aim.
I thought it was sweet, the proposing so fast thing... and it was cheesy but they only had 2 episodes to do it in. But Alice's Mother Teresa mask was the highlight!


I used to think VOD was pretty funny but this special and the last one were so lame, Im not sure if the joke is just old or if its just not as funny any more...

How come pandas always look like people in panda suits?


Typical British sitcom... starts off well, quickly becomes popular. The writers and actors keep it going even after they run out of ideas, and standards slip. The big finale is rushed, unfunny with a tacked-on happy ending and we realise that The Vicar Of Dibley has become a pale shadow of it's former self. Still 10x better than the last episode of 'Absolutely Fabulous' (which was anything but...)



'Typical British sitcom... starts off well, quickly becomes popular. The writers and actors keep it going even after they run out of ideas, and standards slip. The big finale is rushed, unfunny with a tacked-on happy ending and we realise that The Vicar Of Dibley has become a pale shadow of it's former self. Still 10x better than the last episode of 'Absolutely Fabulous' (which was anything but...)'

Well thats happened a couple of times but there are alot of British series which were consistent throughout- Blackadder, The Office, Fawlty Towers etc.

How come pandas always look like people in panda suits?


Hmm, I thought guys were supposed to be the shallow gender.

Anyway, people rushing into marriage with someone they don't take the time to really know is one reason there is so much divorce and so many kids who suffer through divorce (and no, my parents aren't divorced).


Actually I really think that it's much, much more complicated than that. I've had friends who rushed into marriage after a few months acquaintance and 20 yrs on, still appear happy together, whilst I've heard of childhood sweethearts who get divorced. You could quite possibly argue that a long engagement shows people are unsure of their choice,(and again I've known people gettting quickly married and being unhappy afterwards). I'm sure that getting married is always taking a chance, there's no way you can know what your partner will be like in 10 yrs' time, let alone 20, even if you've studied him/her for a couple of years.

I believe Jane Austen hit it perfectly on the nail in Pride and Prejudice when she had Charlotte tell Elizabeth Bennett that it's best to marry without knowing one's partner's faults!!!

In any case, VoD is a COMEDY! This is not meant to be REALISTIC at all! Harry is supposed to be the perfect romantic man that Gerry was dreaming of and that's all (and he is,seeing he's played by Richard Armitage, and yes, I am shallow whenever he's mentioned)

Dawn French has said in interviews they wanted to end the series by giving Geraldine a really attractive husband.


Let's be honest shall we... SHE IS A FAT UGLY BAG OF LARD. No-one on earth would marry her, unless you're a washed up comedian who can only get a gig on TV now by doing something for charidee every two years. For this hunk to arrive in the village and immediately make eyes at The Blue Whale when her sex goddess best friend is available is so unbelievable they should have had a pink elephant with wings flying around the moon to let in us on the gag. What a shame Curtis had to *beep* up his classic comedy creation with this pathetic conclusion. The only way he can redeem himself is by using the allotted ten-minute comic relief special for Dawn French to roll over in bed while on her honeymoon night to Mr Personality Impaired and reduce him to a pancake. Then maybe, after the subsequent acquittal of murder due to accidental obesity, she can marry that bloke who look like trigger and have lots of lovely babies who spend the early part of their life bumping into each other. That in itself wiull be funnier than ANYTHING in the finale of Dibley...


I liked the christmas episodes. I think Geraldine got what she wanted - a bit of normality in her just a tad boring husband who was not a typical Dibley loony! I hope Harry is in the Comic Relief special and we get to see a bit more of his personality, if he has one?
And anxietyresister I hope you are being ironic about the Trigger reference as it is the same actor!


there is always one isn't there

this face, the infection which poisons our love


Woah there anxietyresister with all your Dawn French hatred, not sure why you're watching a show that has her as the main character if she bothers you so much. But to each his own I suppose.
Agree that having Geraldine and Harry meet and marry within like a month was an obvious "we've gotta have her married one way or another" thing to do and although Geraldine's wedding is what lots of us wanted I still didn't like that it was to him.
I still haven't got over David professing his love to Geraldine and her not returning it because I think that in being so opposite to one another, they are perfect for each other! And I really don't think that they should have introduced that storyline if they weren't going to take it anywhere. And as it was obvious that David still loves Geraldine, her marrying someone she barely knows just seemed like a bit of a slap in that face for his character.
I don't think that such a quick wedding made Geraldine seem desperate, just very rushed which is to be expected. I would have been happier if her best friend (Oliver I think it was) from college turned out to be the one that she married cos at least then we would have known that they have history and found their falling in love and getting married more believable, though I didn't really like Oliver either lol! Maybe if he'd been more dapper and less slimey? Basically any guy that Geraldine married I would have slated simply cos they wouldn't have been David but I do think that the way in which Harry was introduced and the whole "the beautiful girl with him was actually his sister!" was very cliche and I did expect more from Vicar of Dibley.
But my main criticism is that we didn't see enough of the other characters and how their lives will pan out, hoping they get more of a storyline in March.
Ohh reading back it sounds like I hated the Christmas special, when I didn't, just agreeing with most people that it seemed to rushed and wasn't as well written as the earlier stuff.


I definitely agree to it being rushed. I think they could have slipped at least another hour in... almost the missing hour. Between Geraldine meeting Harry and him asking her to marry him. We could have seen their relationship develope and grow.

I love the character of Harry and I think he and Geraldine were far more suited than David and Geraldine. We just didn't get to see that relationship develope enough...


Gosh, you really don't like this show do you?

Amazing that you continued to watch it.


Well, Romeo and Juliet only met once before tying the knot...And look how fabulously that turned out.

But seriously, I really did think that whole episode was quite ridiculous. It's hard to really get into the story when you have to look past something like that. However, I really do think that, aside from the absurd love story, that episode was one of the funniest of the entire series. I personally think it had more laugh-out-loud moments than any other episode.

I get the feeling you're violating somebody's basic human rights here...


The whole Christmas special was a take on "Pride and Predjuce". Geraldine makes several references to the story written by Jane Austen (which includes the big misunderstanding that the female lead believes the male lead is in love with somebody else who turns out to be his sister). Not to mention Geraldine doing these barfing sounds to mock Emma Thompson´s performance in the Pride and Predjuce movie adaption. And then later Geraldine pushing it over the edge with screaming and running (kissing Harry`s sister), running to the church, ringing the bells and doing these barfing sounds again when she finally realized that Harry is proposing to her.

money can`t buy you back the love that you had then - Feist "1 2 3 4"


Sense and Sensibility, not Pride and Prejudice

I hate the way you exaggerate. You always make things 50,000 times worse!


Well personally, I loved the last two episodes, I thought they were wonderfully funny and an excellent ending. I'm also rather partial to Richard Armitage in any shape or form...

That said, I do find it a little perplexing when people read into the episodes so much! Its comedy, its lighthearted, and Geraldine and Harry were far better suited than Geraldine and David, in my opinion. And this is just my opinon, so don't slaughter me for it!

And it seems not to have occured to those saying Harry was far too good looking and young for Geraldine, that personality is part of the equation. The vicar has a wonderful and endearing personality and I'm not surprised he fell for her.

McAvoyeurs do it in the library.



Even though it's very rare when it comes to deciding you want to marry someone that soon it has happened. One of my favorite authors knew her man for I think it was 5 days when he proposed. They've been married for many years and still happy.
So even though in the show it seems so rushed it's not impossible. Makes it a little sweeter in a way.


Well what woman wouldn't fall in love with Harry at first sight?
I think some people on here are being way too serious about the quick proposal of marriage,after all,it was the very last episode and it was obviously meant to be a bit silly and lighthearted,seeing as it was aired at Christmas - if you can't suspend your disbelief then,when can you?

There are three kinds of people in the world - those who can count and those who can't.


yeah very!!

ya great gullah!!!!



Me too. I just streamed it on Netflix and I couldn't make much sense of it.

They had a terrific cast but the writing always left me down. I couldn't tolerate the lavatory jokes either. You'd think after 10 years they could have come up with something better than marrying Geraldine off to an almost complete stranger.
