Where Are They Now?

Here is a "Where Are They Now" for the MSB Kids:

1. Tim: now serves as a freelance art teacher.

2. Wanda: now an adventurer and archeologist, like Indiana Jones. Can't wait to find what's in the Temple of Doom.

3. Arnold: serves as a defense attourney in court.

4. Ralphie: plays basketball, football, and basketball for local teams.

5. Dorothy Anne: a research scientist.

6. Phoebe: teaches at her old school.

7. Keesha: married to Ralphie, Keesha is now a consultant for a local business.

8. Carlos (my favorite): appears on his own show on Comedy Central.

9. Ms. Frizzle: still teaching.


Dorothy Anne: A scientist...in bitch-ology.

Wanda: A guinia pig used in experiments for Dorothy Anne.

Ralphie: Was a pro basketball/football player in the NBA/NFL. He banged Dorothy Anne, Phoebe, and Keesha, and even got Phoebe pregnate. However, he started his acting career in $hitty movies, was caught with roids, and is now weighing 600 pounds.

Phoebe: A teacher. Got pregnate, thanks to Ralphie. But since he is now a recluse, Phoebe rasie Ralphie Jr by herself.

Carlos: Did stand up and stared in some really crappy films. He won 4 Razzies, and now, he just lives at home, crying in shame of his past.

Tim: A gangsta in Los Santos, San Andreas. Was shot up by Ballas and now lives in Vice City.

Arnold: Commited suicide at age 31 because he was 1. a virgin and couldnt get laid 2. a ginger.

Keesha: Tryed acting, failed. Tryed singing, failed. She may be hot, but no one gives a fvck. She is now just a "person", like Paris Hilton.

Liz: Got stepped on by Arnold.

Ms. Frizzle: Was teaching for a very long time until she got fired because it was "sexual health" week....that was an unforgettable field trip...

Armed and Dangerous

