MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > What gets you every time?

What gets you every time?

What funny moment makes you laugh every time you see it no matter how often?

One for me is when the rooster wakes up Rachel and she's annoyed. As she's standing there with Monica, the rooster clucks again. Rachel says to Monica- "what the hell is that, is that you?" when it's clearly not lol.

Another is when Richard and Ross are awkwardly standing outside their gf's bed rooms and Ross keeps asking silly questions. But the best one was- "so were you in 'nam?"

Tartlets x3


1. Pivot!!!!

2. When emily calls and Ross is so frantic he walks around and hands a lamp to chandler

3. When Ross plays the bagpipes for the gang. Not only is it hilarious in itself but phoebe "singing" along and Rachel laughing (Jennifer said it was real laughter she couldnt help it lol) makes it golden

4. Phoebe, Rachel, Joey and Ross in the hall trying to decide who will go into monic and chandlers apartment first after being really late. They play Rock Paper Scissor. Joey plays "fire". They say what is that and Joey says its fire. Phoebe goes oh well this is water balloon and then she makes a fist and opens it while making a water sound. Loved that one


I can't believe I forgot the bagpipes! That is one of the funniest moments in the entire series for me


Oh and I forgot about Ross being drunk being with Charlie, Rachel and Joey. That whole scene is hilarious to me


Me too, lol.

My absolute favorite is the whole extremely awkward Mike/Ross thing when Phoebe and Rachel go out for a girl's night.

Also, when Phoebe is riding her bike for them and she just falls out of frame.

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After Richard tells Monica he wants to marry her.

Chandler "You know what i'm gonna do? I'm gonna go over there, and i'm gonna kick his ass!....Will you help me?"
Joey "...Look Chandler, I don't think us gettin our asses kicked is a solution."

Monica giving Chandler the painful massage
Monica: Say goodbye to sore muscles.


Joey's impression of Chandler when he dresses as him for Halloween. "Hi I'm Chandler naarrggh" Leading Chandler to question when he's ever done that.

Love and Peace <3


Is that you in your avatar? Did I ever tell you about the time I went backpacking across western Europe?


It's a favourite singer of mine. And no...tell me more. Did you go backpacking with Regina Phalange or Ken Adams? haha


Watch out-he's probably recording it.

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He's told this story before. He went backpacking with Crap Bag.

Was ist der Sinn des Lebens?


I laugh every time I see the Jon Lovitz scene (The One With The Stoned Guy) where this goes down:

Steve: Ah, cool! Taco shells! You know, these are... they're like a little corn envelope

Monica: [She takes away the taco shells] You know that? You don't want to spoil your appetite.

Steve: Hey! Sugar-O's! [He grabs the cereal box]

Monica: You know, if you just wait another six and a half minutes...

Steve: Macaroni and cheese! We gotta make this!

Monica: [She reaches for the box] No, we don't.

Steve: Oh, OK. [he drops the box on the floor]

Steve: Oh, sorry.

[When she bends down to pick it up he grabs a package of Gummi-bears from the cabinet]

Monica: Why don't you just have a seat here?

[he sits at the table, then tries to secretly eat the Gummi-bears. Monica spots him]

Monica: Okay. Give me the Gummi-bears.

Steve: No.

Monica: Give them to me.

Steve: Alright, we'll share.

Monica: No, give me the...

Steve: Well then you can't have any.

[she grabs for the package, and it breaks open. Gummi-bears fly everywhere, some into the punch bowl on the table]

Steve: Man overboard! I think he's drowning.

[he throws some Sugar-O's into the punch bowl]

Steve: Hey fellows! Grab on a Sugar-O. Save yourself!

And NOBODY in all of Oz,
No wizard that there is or was,
Is ever gonna bring me down!


Ross to Mr. Zelner

"How about this authentic pterodactyl egg... replica


Totally forgot about Ross giving Chandler the lamp while he was on the phone with Emily. I think what made it even funnier is how Chandler just took it like it was a normal thing for someone to do lol. Another one in that same scene is when Ross whispers "she's talking" they all whisper back "yay" then Ross quiets then down with a tantrum like look haha.

Oh! And the one when Joey's grandmother was there to see his show, Joey realizes they cut his scene. He tells the gang to keep smiling. Then Chandler says with a creepy grin- "is it gonna freak her out if we keep smiling like this?"


Joey screaming and running away when he sees Monica with the turkey on her head.

Chandler in the ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre. 'Nice going, imp. And now you're choking!'


Gum would be perfection.

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Oh that was a good one. I didn't come to mind as I rarely watch season 1.

But a great episode for Chandler. And yeah, loved that line "And now you're choking."
