Thoughts on Mona?

IMO, Ross didn't deserve her. She was probably the most patient of his girlfriends. The whole Rachel, Ross, Mona thing was awkward lol


I really liked that character.

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


See, I just don't get why everybody thinks that creating and sharing a holiday card was rushing things in her relationship so fast. She shouldn't have done that.....

Despite it being mid December right now, but a Christmas card is just a slip of expensive paper with pictures and a message of "Merry Christmas" scrawled all over it. It's looked at a couple of times, then it's put away.

But knowing his pattern of behavior;

Marrying a girl after just six weeks of dating? Half of those weeks being her living in London, to add insult to injury, before he was even over his own ex girlfriend?

Looking at school districts and talking about having a baby when he and his ex girlfriend just started dating?

Having sex with a woman in the library at the school where he works after he'd just introduced himself to her?!

Oh no.....Those things aren't rushing in a relationship so fast at all.....[sarcasm]


Plus, we don't know exactly how long they had been dating. Was it a month, was it two or three. I suppose if you've been dating only two weeks and you've never had sex than that would be a weird thing to do. If they'd been together a few months and were sexually active than what's wrong with a woman thinking they were a couple?

Did it indicate about how long they'd been dating?

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


No I don't think so! Since it's only a picture on paper! Besides, is it Mona's fault that their relationship was on in the month of December--can she control calendars and stop time?
Hanz-Willhelm The Second, do you in your own opinion think it's normal to:

1. Marry a girl six weeks into dating?

2. Look into school districts and talk about a baby you're going to have when you just started dating your current girlfriend just because you have one baby with another woman?

3. Have sex at the library in the school where you work, in front of your own library book with a woman you just met minutes ago; just introduced yourself too?

Are those things not weird at all? Remember, Ross Geller is known for doing all three of those things, and all three of those things happened on screen, not off screen!



Omg I am going to post a message AGREEING with Kodak!! 😱

Much as I actually liked Mona as a person and I agree she was patient with Ross (way more than i ever would have been!!!) I have to say that this is smething ive always found a little bit weird about why Ross got so funny about the card.

I believe it was too soon, and I understand ross freaking out about it.
BUT- he has done a lot of daft rushed things himself, so the whole card thing is something i am actually surprised Ross got upset about, I would have thought it would have been his type of thing, or at least something he would have done or suggested himself.

Every time I see the ep where he freaks about the card I feel like yelling "at least she doesnt know what your children's names are gonna be!!"

Likewise i think this episode showcases how gutless Ross can be. Yes i prefer him, but i always think God what a wimp in the card episode.

**cArNiVaLs oF fAyGo**


She was actually one of my favourite girlfriends for Ross. She was extremely patient. I agree with Painbow, that Ross put it best all by himself. It made for some funny moments, for sure. But in the same regard, it was annoying how her character changed from the wedding episode and then a future episode. It was almost like her wedding iteration was part of a pilot episode and the writers needed more material and she was different in future iterations.

"But my job's fun too - I mean, tomorrow I don't have to wear a tie." - Chandler



I met a lot of Mona's while I was in college. They were all like her, friendly with all my friends, patient of any misstep I may have made in being a boyfriend. Eager to please and ready to get married.

Mona was not right for Ross because she was just looking for a husband. Ross met her checklist of what she was looking for so she got her hooks in and pushed the marriage agenda whenever possible.

That would not have ended well. How many divorces?



His relative indifference toward their break-up was also kind of a red flag as to what the future of their relationship would have been like, also, imo


She probably left the relationship wishing that she'd kissed the statue and kicked Ross!


I love Mona! Ross totally should have ended up with her, but you're right in that she was probably too good for him. I still can here Ross saying that line, "What was wrong with Mona?!"
