MovieChat Forums > ER (1994) Discussion > Your most disliked doctor?

Your most disliked doctor?

What doctor could you not stand on the show?

Mine would be:
Maggie Doyle
Dr Anspaugh
and at times Dr Benton

"Go and find your life Miss Skeeter"~ The Help


Seriously? How could nobody have mentioned my number one. My list...

1) Tony Gates (John Stamos.. need I say more?)
2) Dr. Moretti (Stanley Tucci - season 14)
3) Dr. Clemente (John Leguizamo - season 12)
4) Cleo Finch

Love/hate relationship with... Carter. Loved him in the beginning. I think he got annoying as the show went on, especially during seasons 7, 8, & 9. The show became too focused on him as well.

Romano was wicked funny. I loved him.


> 1) Tony Gates (John Stamos.. need I say more?)

LMAO. Thank you. I couldn't believe they added Uncle Freakin' Jesse to the ER cast. Even when I was a little girl, I couldn't stand him.


Dr. Peter Benton, never liked him and never will.


I totally agree... Benton was very arrogant and I do not like being around people who are that way in real life. The other one was Luka K. (too much hung up on himself.)

Ron G. from Orlando, Florida 


When I first watched ER i had a much longer list of Doctors i didn't like. The list included: Del Amico, Pratt, Abby among others. Rewatching the series I realized I was way off w/ Del Amico. It's too bad she didn't stick around. Pratt grew on me and I liked him in the end.

I'll never like Abby, Dr. Dave, Ray Barnett, and Neela. Abby is totally unlikeable and always has that sour puss look on her face.


Neela Rasgotra... Once she joined the cast, too much of the show's plot became a contest between the men doctors - all competing for her affection (Barnett, Gallant, Gates, Brenner, and Dubenko). Even Pratt tried for her in the earliest appearances.


Cleo. If I had kids I wouldn't want someone as cold as her to be anywhere near them. She always sounded like a phony when she tried to engage with them and I'm sure every last one of them saw though it.

Early Archie Morris. I changed my mind on him when he was dealing with the patient with multiple personality disorder and he talked about Matchbox cars with the "little boy" personality.

Weaver, for all her faults was good with patients so though I didn't like her (she was in everything for herself even if she had to ruin the careers of others) I'd want her to treat me if I was in trouble.

Fornell: Well tie me up and call me Loretta.


There is only one doctor that I will always dislike and that is Weaver.



XFilesFan1990 your crush is showing. She did make mistakes - she wasn't contactable when she should have been over the Marfan's patient and she also lied about the circumstances of the Alderman's lover's death.

My most disliked: Gates, Cleo, Ray and the utterly pointless Brenner.

I'm the clever one; you're the potato one.



I never said she didn't make mistakes, it would be unrealistic if she didn't, cant all be perfect, it makes her human

All I was suggesting was that there are a couple of things that I think seriously undermine the view of her as "awesome". She didn't hesitate to hang her colleagues out to dry and was downright negligent and dishonest on occasions.

I'm the clever one; you're the potato one.


Dr. Benton by far.


Obviously those are not the characters I liked the least as a person:
I have the most unpopular opinion but I liked Mark the least, his storylines were sooo annoying, especially the one with his father.
Abbie in season 13 and 14, I liked her before that.
Dave was not really annoying but really useless.
I am surprised to see Cleo here, she was one of my most liked.


I know people hated Romano, but you needed his p@ss and vinegar to cut through the sugary blandness of the rest of the staff.


Didn't like Ramono, at first I didn't like weaver and jorja foxe.

For starts I think I'll break your neck.-Charles Kane (Citizen Kane)
