A Chan Darkly

I recently saw my first "true" Jackie Chan movie Police Story, and while I liked it, I was a little put off by the comedy elements. So I was pleasantly surprised to discover Crime Story, which is a genuine thriller with little-to-no humor. I liked it, but I actually found Chan's demeanor (especially at the beginning) to be a little jarring with the serious tone. Still, a good movie, at least as good as Police Story - I'm surprised there aren't more posts on it.

What's the Spanish for drunken bum?


Police Story II. has very little slapstick, so you'll like that too. That one should be viewed in the shorter (Hong Kong and international) version, which is not easy to get. Most DVD companies has released the much longer and inferior Japanese cut (~120 mins long).


I'm surprised there aren't more posts, too.

This is a pretty serious film, with a "big, serious message", and maybe underrated/underappreciated as a Jackie Chan film because of that.



I thought Jackie did very well playing it straight here. It IS a good movie.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


Agreed. This film was a welcome and commendable serious departure for Chan. Jackie is quite good in a straight dramatic role; he's especially solid in several scenes with the corrupt cop who's involved in the kidnapping.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!


It's a solid movie and I commend it for being more serious. Though it does feel like stuff had been taken out. Like that whole subplot with the hot psychiatrist just kind of ends. I almost expected JC to hook up with her.
