The DVD sucks!


I had this on VHS and sold it with a collection of other VHS relics on Ebay because I had recently bought the DVD.. what a mistake! I own over 500 movies and this is the ONLY ONE that you have to flip over the DVD to see the other half of the movie, what a rip! I can understand this might have come out during the early days of the DVD technology, but 'cmon! It's really not that big of a deal to change it over, but with DVD tech it's totally unnessescary.

If I had to do it over I'd keep the VHS version. That's a first! And no special features of anykind.

I hope they release a new version of the DVD sometime.


Damn! No wonder I didn't like the ending. I never heard of flipping over a DVD before. Well, I guess I'll go watch the rest.


I really can't disagree with anyone here, but it was clearly a 2-sided dvd, and it was a rather unusual 2-part dvd.

This must have been mastered at the beginning of the era of the 'dvd-video' format. I say this because the mastering style is definitely not conventional by today's standards.

The DVD played well, and the audio/visual qualities were more than sufficient, but not state of the art, at the time of this writing.

I should add, that on the other hand, the movie is very good. I would place this close to director Alan J. Pakula's best film, 'Klute'.


A Time to Kill does the same thing. Even worse, I bought the 4-pack from Walmart (A Time to Kill, The Pelican Brief, The Client, and The Rainmaker). Both ATTK and TPB are, literally, only half the movie since the other side has the film's title printed on it.

Once upon a time, we had a love affair with fire.


Whoever the moron it was who decided to half a movie up on a dvd for no reason is quite the idiot and I hope he finds a more appropriate job where the decisions he makes are more sensible....


Lol I just got my disc out today to watch it and said out loud to myself "What *beep* Have to flip the disc over?" I haven't watched it for a while and I forgot it was like this and it made me laugh finding someone online here saying the same thing. Lol
