MovieChat Forums > Jûbê ninpûchô (1993) Discussion > This is crap when watched older.

This is crap when watched older.

I first watched Ninja Scroll when I was 14 years old and thought it was amazing. I tried watching it now (I'm 23) and found it to be total crap and boring. I found the action scenes lackluster. I also feel the same about Street Fighter 2 The Animated Movie. I bought Spriggan and found that crap as well. I think I'm too old for anime now, it's something for 12-18 year olds. I wanted to get Cyber City Oedo as it's something I enjoyed as a 12 year old but I'll probably end up hating that as well.

Does anyone else feel the same? Are there any good action animes that can revve my interest?


yeah, I found the same thing as I got older and desensitized to sex and violence. Luckily there are always snuff films to move onto....


I seen this for the first time just recently and I'm 23. Friggen loved it! The characters are awesome. Least favorite in the bee guy, kinda lame. But the guy that comes out the shadows, awesome. And how the stone dude killed all the ninjas in the beginning, sickkk. I just love the anime. And the boobs were a plus.


I'm 26 and just finished watching this for the third time a minute ago. I first saw it when I was 15 or 16. Maybe it wasn't quite as spectacular as I remember it being, but I still think it's a great film and one of the top 5 anime flicks I've seen. The movie's plot is basically just an excuse for elaborate and inventine fight/action sequences with colorful villains, but that's fine with me. The katana on a thread trick is one of the coolest plot devices introduced in the ronin samurai genre in 30 years, and Jubei himself is such a cool character. I actually found the love story between him and Kagero more touching now than I did then--maybe I'm just getting sentimental in my old age.


I saw this back when it was a bootleg called the Windninja. The japanese voice acting was great, the soundtrack was good, the drawing still holds up and I love the characters. No cutesy stuff here. The headbutting scene I'll remember forever. GENNNNNNNNNNNNMAAAAAAAAA!


I just watched this for the first time and I'm 20. I thought it was ok, sort of fun, but in the end so over-the-top that I really couldn't get into it that much. The end was pretty epic, and there were good moments, but in terms of action anime, I don't think this comes anywhere close to Akira, Princess Mononoke, or even Ghost in the Shell. Those had philosophy, morality, heart, and character development, but this just had ultra-violence.


i dont know, still seems cool to me



Not to worry. Perfectly normal.
Adults shouldn't be wasting time watching kiddie cartoons anyway.



Sure, you can keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. A cartoon is still a cartoon. The time to be impressed by the "violence, gore and nudity" is sadly gone with the childhood.
Unless one spent it in a protective bubble that is...



Yeah, I watched SFII again after many years and it's just.. not that good. Ninja Scroll however, will never change.


Ninja Scroll is more than just a mindless action flick.



Yeah, you're right. Sorry for actually having a life in the real world, dealing with responsibilities, having to work for a living and finding topics on the real issues more relevant and interesting. I just don't see how giving the cyclops time of the day could be justifiable by anyone past a certain point in life.
You're welcome to it though. At the end of the day you will have had an awesome life, full of imaginery adventures, zen and whatever other useless ways you fancy wasting your time on.




Your condescension is unwarranted - though it does reveal a great deal about your own insecurity.

Anyone who thinks that they can so easily label a group of people - in this case, fans of "cartoons"/animation - is not a mature individual with a secure sense of themselves as an adult.

More likely, you're at that stage where you're just beginning to have adult responsibilities, and as a way of feeling very "adult" and "grown up" you're rejecting all the things you used to like. A lot of people go through that phase - but, in many cases, they end up throwing the babies out with the bathwater.

You can pretend to yourself that you're too "mature" for such "kiddie" work - but the only thing your words actually reveal is that you're insecure about your position in life. I also have a full-time job, and bills to pay, and various other responsibilities to fulfill - and yet I still enjoy animation as an artistic medium and I also don't feel the need to condescend to and insult everyone who feels differently about an art form than I do. I also have come to the point where I realize that "serious" doesn't inherently equal better or more sophisticated. Serious dramas about contemporary topics have their place, but I pity you if you can't also appreciate an utterly joyful, completely irrelevant short film such as Begone Dull Care.

You have an inflated sense of maturity. Deflate your ego a bit, and then, maybe, you'll actually learn to appreciate the finer things in life without worrying about how you think they make you look.

Animation as a whole is no more "kiddie" than any other medium - you've just been culturally trained to believe that it is inherently childish. I'm indifferent to this film, but if you were to learn something about the medium you'd realize how foolish your "cartoon=kiddie" conflation looks.

The field of animation is incredibly broad and has been a means of expression for a huge variety of artists concerned with a whole wide variety of different subjects. Animators as varied as Norman Mclaren, Tex Avery, Ladislas Starevich, Hayao Miyazaki, Chuck Jones, Satoshi Kon, Yuriy Norshteyn, Isao Takahata, Max Fleischer, etc. etc. have created works of rich artistry that are hugely varied in style and intent. Some create purely avant-garde works that stretch the medium of animation and film, others create child-like (though not chidlish) fantasies that can refresh and revitalize even crotchety adults such as yourself, while others explore adult themes and topics in ways that are astonishingly sophisticated and creative (and which wouldn't be possible with live action.)

Of course, maybe it's just that you're not interested in the medium of animation. That's fine - we all have our own likes and dislikes. However, if that's the case, you should probably spare us the condescension and just learn to say "well, it's not for me." That would be a perfectly acceptable position. Instead, you choose to demonstrate your own lack of adult understanding and maturity by condemning an entire artistic medium and anyone who has the audacity to enjoy any of the works in that medium.

I suppose on a clear day you can see the class struggle from here


The point is that it is absolutely juvenile. This stuff is meant to titillate 15-year-olds. It's so funny that the growth of Japanese animation in the west is predicated on the idea that it is more "mature" than western animation - ironically, most of those films were/are juvenile trash. Ninja Scroll is the Limp Bizkit of animation.

"American Anime Fandom" has done irreparable damage to the actual scope and qualities of Japanese animation. We let fanboy geeks define what it is when there's so much more, so much better, that Japan is capable of.



same here lol
