best quote

Whats your best Quote in the movie?

Mine was ( might not be word perfect )

" I had a bad dream last night, Two skeletons having sex, noisey as hell, woke me up " lol, brilliantly just thrown in for no reason. You can just imagine the bones rattling, lol



(looking downwards, threateningly mumbling):
Don't waste your life.


Mmmeeaaaa....ggehhh !!

The entire conversations with Archie and the guard who watches over empty space epitomize the purposelessness of human existence


Gotta love Johnny's rant about the barcodes signifying the apocalypse...


whats it like being you? bit hectic?


sabastian - "arn't people pathetic"


Johnny's monologue on our penchant for amusing/distracting ourselves in search of the next thrill:

Louise: So what happened, were you bored in Manchester?
Johnny: Was I bored? No, I wasn't *beep* bored. I'm never bored. That's the trouble with everybody - you're all so bored. You've had nature explained to you and you're bored with it, you've had the living body explained to you and you're bored with it, you've had the universe explained to you and you're bored with it, so now you want cheap thrills and, like, plenty of them, and it doesn't matter how tawdry or vacuous they are as long as it's new as long as it's new as long as it flashes and *beep* bleeps in forty *beep* different colors. So whatever else you can say about me, I'm not *beep* bored.

Great film. Definitely in my all-time top five.

"I don't want any Commies in my car. No Christians, either."


Absolutely agree with the above - it's amazing how salient that speech still is these days. More so than Mike Leigh could ever have imagined back in 1993 I imagine, what with the advent of ipods and Nintendo wii et al. Frightening.

I think my favourite was "we're constantly getting kicked up the arse by the future". I had to pause it to gather myself so I wouldn't miss anything.

I'm also a fan of "What's it like being you? Bit hectic?" Partially because, well, it's kind of rich coming from someone like Johnny!


"What could such a specific prodigy mean?"

For some reason, the way he says this, or more asks it, just resonates in my memory. I love quotes, and I love this movie, but nobodies ever going to beat Thewlis's delivery.

Anyone can quote Slingblade, just do a big raspy rednecky voice
"Get Some French Fried Taters ERRRHM MHM."

But this unique


Well I saw it so many years ago.. (finally got it on DVD the other day and saving it for a rainy day).. the line that always stuck with me because it just was so cruel:

"You look like me mother"!



After reading all the posts, I've come to a conclusion that is by now, very obvious...Naked is the most quotable movie ever..including Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail. That does it..I'm buying this movie.

..what..behind the rabbit?


These are all great. Here's one of my fav's:

"Resolve is never stronger than in the morning after the night it was never weaker."



"Resolve is never stronger than in the morning after the night it was never weaker."

I can't believe this only comes up on page 4. That, along with "you don't want to *ck me. You'll catch something cruel" are the two lines that stayed with me long after the credits rolled.




I'm surprised throughout all of these quotes no-one posted:

Maggie: Have you ever seen a dead body?
Johnny: What? Apart from my own?

"And Im thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling"


Archie: Maggie! [head tic]
Johnny: What’s all that about? [imitates the tic]
Archie: Eh?!
Johnny: That. [head tic] The ‘ol highland fling, there. D’you know you’re doing that?
Archie: Eh?!
Johnny: That, you know, 'and now for my next tic'.
Archie: Tchk. [head tic]
Johnny: Lookit, it just happened again! I’m not imagining it.
Archie: *beep* off.
Johnny: You do that in the sack? The ol' tic, spit, eh, Maggie! You must be a great *beep* shag.
Archie: You takin’ a piss?!
Johnny: What’s it like being you?
Archie: Whuh?!
Johnny: Bit hectic?
Archie: *beep* off, poof!


Johnny: Be good. If you can't be good, be careful.

I just bought the Criterion DVD of this masterpiece! Should listen the audio commentary by director "Mike Leigh" and actors "David Thewlis" and "Katrin Cartlidge" someday. One of the best movies I've seen in years.


-What's it like being you? Bit hectic?

-I'm off!
-Off your trolley!


"And what is it that goes on in this particular post-modernist gas chamber?"

I often find myself thinking about this line whenever I'm in an office building.


He left a note. He left a simple little note that said "I've gone out the window."


"No matter how many books you read, there is something in this world that you never ever ever ever ever *beep* understand."


For me "You're not gonna creep up on me with a big knife, dressed up as your mother, are you?" line.

(A reference to Psycho)

To remember:


Have you ever thought, right, but you don't know, but you may have already lived the happiest day in your whole *beep* life and all you have left to look forward to is *beep* sickness and purgatory?

it's one of the most memorable ones albeit super depressing.


Brian: What do you think that is?
Johnny: A.. uh.. dadaist nun?


Johnny, after being ordered out of the Cafe girls flat

I hope that all your f...... children are born blind, bow-legged, hair-lipped, homeless hunchbacks!


"Just goes to show you, that no matter how many books you read. there's some things in this world that you never, ever. ever. ever. ever *beep* understand."
