MovieChat Forums > Last Action Hero (1993) Discussion > Best Lines in Last Action Hero

Best Lines in Last Action Hero

Some great lines in this, a funny one that I missed until reading the script:

Benedict: "I understand you are interested in drug dealers."
Danny Madigan: "Jack, that's him, the henchman with the glass eye."
Jack Slater: "Sir, are you a henchman?"
Benedict: "No, I only go as far as lackey."

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


I always loved Dance's line, when he's threatening to sic his Dobermans on our hero, informing Arnie that "I snap my fingers again and sometime tomorrow you emerge from several canine recta."

Way too much information, in so few words. Wonderful. Most villains would simply say "They'll tear you to shreds" - but Charles Dance's villain is clearly thinking everything through, even his threats, not only describing the ultimate destination of those shreds of Schwarzeneggar but even outlining the rough time-frame of his imminent journey through a dog's digestive system.

As well as being funny, it's also a clever bit of scriptwriting that's revealing of character. Clearly this is a villain who's operating on a another level intellectually, and the line lets us know this without resorting to the usual tired "chess" cliches so beloved of lesser scriptwriters who want us to know that their villain is always thinking several moves ahead (I'm looking at you, "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows")

It's the kind of line that could probably only work in the clipped and precise "British Villain" delivery that Dance gives it - and surely only a "British Villain" would insist on using the correct plural of "rectum" when threatening you! :)



"Silent but deadly"


Danny Madigan : "You think you are funny, don't you?"
Jack Slater : "I know I am. I'm the famous comedian Arnold Braunschweiger."

Narrator : "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and Hamlet is taking out the trash."

Jack Slater : "Practice!"
John Practice : "Makes perfect."
