MovieChat Forums > Last Action Hero (1993) Discussion > Could a movie like this be done nowadays...

Could a movie like this be done nowadays???

First off, This movie is amazing. One thing that amazed me was the directing and cinematography which are really impressive. There are scenes that are so well shot and directed which I have seen no one else do better than Mctiernan.

Another thing... The movie was way ahead of its time and it failed at the BO because it was totally misunderstood. Where people expected another Terminator or Commando, they got a really smart satire of action movies, action heroes and everything wrong with them at that time.

NOw the movie took what was hot at the time which was the ACTION HERO persona which had become so big and actually ridiculous at that time and put it on its feet. NOwadays we don't have the action heroes but we do have something similar..

...The COMIC BOOK HERO... NOw could a movie like this, where its main story is actually poking fun and pointing out the bad things and inconsistencies on COmic Book movies work nowadays??? I think so./...

It would be awesome to see a movie that takes this premise of getting a regular audience member into a comic book movie just to point out the thing we always rant in these boards like the CGI, the plot conveniences, the hero never getting hurt, even the Ratings...Wouldn't it be cool?



Dear people with money: Listen to this guy

And to answer the question in you title Hot Fuzz came out in 2008 so, at the very least sort of


Actually, I think the general premise of this movie would work great as a tv show with each episode focusing on a different genre or style of movie. Maybe not a full-fledged series but perhaps a mini-series or one-season thing like what Mick Garris did for horror with shows like "Fear Itself" and "Masters of Horror". Then you could bring in guest directors, actors and whatnot that are well-known for doing some particular genre or style. Do a comic book episode...get Joss Whedon and Chris Evans. Do horror, get Wes Craven and Robert Englund. Do disaster movie, get Roland Emmerich. You get the idea...

One day men will look back and say that I gave birth to the twentieth century.


That would be too expensive, since you would need new sets and everything for each episode.


Leave the creativity to people who are good at it.

Who says violence is not the answer?


I don't think the big studios would tamper with a multi-billion dollar formula. They would just keep milking it.

Maybe someone like Tim Burton or Wes Anderson could or would do it, but there's a problem--the director would need to have a certain distain for the Comic Book Hero genre, and might be reluctant to dabble in it in any context.

Last Action Hero was, in fact, an Action movie, and Arnie-Jack was the Hero.

The story is king.


I have a huge amount of disdain for superhero films, and were I in a position to , i would certainly fund as film ripping the piss out of them.


I'd love to see Sony do this but with Spider-Man. It'd be cool if someday we could have a movie that's both a remake of this and a sequel to Amazing Spider-Man 2. I could see Peter finding out he's a fictional character and saying, "How would you feel if you found out somebody made you up? Your friends, your family, the woman you love? Oh yeah let's have your best friend throw the woman you love off a clock tower to her death and have you try to snag her with webbing and break her neck, gives you nightmares the rest of your life. It's pretty fictional. So who cares? I'm sorry. But I don't find it so new and exciting to discover that my whole life has been a stupid movie!"

Green Goblin is great!


In a comic book movie sense, they will be doing something like this with Deadpool


If you mean movies where characters go inside a movie, there's THE FINAL GIRLS. If you mean movies where characters acknowledge and make fun of genre clichés, there are plenty.


I saw the movie when it came out.

It was terribly disappointing. That's because we all enjoyed Arnold movies and several of them were weird/interesting, science fiction, and worth waiting for. So, if there was one coming out, that was going to be THE movie to enjoy.

This came out and it basically says that the fun action movies you enjoy are stupid, formulaic, and not good. It's the product of a jaded writer who hates what he's doing and wishes to ruin it all.

No one wants to see that.


I want to see that happen to Superhero films.
